
The paper provides an overview of the event and which summarizes how the Incident Command System (ICS) process was used. In doing so and based on your research, clearly also indicate:

    • The history and inception of ICS; and
    • The ICS component organizational structure – to offer clarity on each of its five elements.
    • To be clear… the important part of the overview is about ICS, this should be the majority of your overview. A full page detailing what happened in the incident, and then two sentences about ICS is clearly not going to be leading to a high grade…
  • Further discuss the extent to which the U.S. is prepared for dealing with catastrophic events such as natural disasters, acts of bio-terror and / or infectious pandemic outbreaks and discuss how ICS would be used to coordinate the response efforts, and maximize the efficiency of the response operations that are undertaken. Do not just simply restate the general benefits of ICS; use this as an opportunity to think specifically about a type of event that you discussed above and apply ICS to that. In other words, “tailor” the use of ICS to the type of event you discussed above.. You are free to postulate the means / methods by which you believe such natural events occur, or how manmade attacks could be carried out and how ICS might be assist in mitigating both response needs and public consequences.

Research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the course-ware will be required.

  • Your assignment must be properly formatted and cited using APA, 6th Edition format.
  • Your assignment should fall in the range of 3-5 pages of substantive text, not counting separate cover page and reference page material. Your writing can be longer, but it cannot be under the minimum indicated page-count for credit.
  • Do not simply list questions and respond – your work is intended to be a complete, integrative narrative that embodies an introduction, a body within which you respond to the targeted questions, and a summary and conclusion



You will analyze pre-created Wireshark packet captures and identify the bad actor.

I have have attached the files that you need to analyze and provide screenshots and answers to questions in PDF. please follow example in PDF to perform the exercise


Please read the New York Times article in the link below. It will also be helpful to read the content of some of the hyperlinks contained within the article, as well as accessing the very interesting and compelling audio slide shows also contained within the article. After reading the Chapter on Employment Law and the additional required readings, including a review of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the many other laws and regulations pertaining to Employment Law, please discuss the question posed by the Times article itself: do you think this employment model can thrive? Why or why not? How would you change it to make it better or to make it successful? What do you think about it in general? Do you agree with such models? Do they have a place?

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/18/business/global/18shirt.html? %20=1 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

In case you are unable to access the article through the link, I have copied and pasted here for you here also:

Knights Apparel

I have also attached it as a Work Document, in case you have trouble accessing any of the direct links.


3 page

Please choose to answer only one of the following questions for your writing assignment. In your answer, please provide an opening statement, three arguments in support of your opening statement (opinion), three pieces of empirical research (i.e., studies) as support for your arguments, and a closing statement.

You may use any empirical, rigorous scientific research as support however, do not use anecdotal evidence, or unpublished work. You should use 3 journal articles that report original data/studies as evidence. If you do not know what this means or what kinds of papers to look for then you must ask me or your TA. Do not use textbooks, websites, chapters of edited books, review papers or meta-analyses as evidence. Please be sure to provide references for your empirical support (APA-format; with reference list and paper citations in text). Your paper must adhere to a 5-paragraph format that is detailed in writing assignment instruction link below.

Option 1: In your opinion and based on scientific evidence, do you think scientific evidence supports a formalist view or a functionalist view on the relation between language and communication? That is, do you think that the need to communicate and/or the act of communication plays a role in the development of language form (i.e., syntax; morphology)?

What, if any, properties of children’s early communicative experience support their development of communicative skills and their development of language? How important is early communicative experience to later language development? Some argue that communication and early communicative experience is the primary driver or force behind later language development. That is, some theories explain language development as motivated by the urge to communicate. Others argue for a more moderate position saying that communicative interaction contributes to language development but is not the sole reason or purpose for language development. Both of these positions would be akin to the functionalist view of the relation between communication and language, that is, language is a system shaped and/or supported by the communicative functions it serves. Still, others argue for the formalist view of the relation between communication and language, that is, the structure and development of language has nothing to do with its communicative role. In your answer to the proposed question, you will want to consider whether you think there is evidence to link early communicative skill to later language development. You may want to consider research by Jean Berko-Gleason, Anne Fernald, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Michael Tomasello, Erika Hoff, Catherine Snow, Noam Chomsky and Steven Pinker.

Option 2: In your opinion and based on scientific evidence, what mechanisms/biases/experiences/assumptions do you believe are important for a typical infant’s/children’s (0-5 years) lexical development (first/native language only)?

What mechanisms support infants’ ability to learn the meanings of words? Some argue that that infants use word-learning assumptions, like mutual exclusivity (e.g., Ellen Markman), the whole-object assumption (e.g., Ellen Markman and Sandra Waxman) or the shape bias (e.g., Linda Smith). Others argue that children use the syntax of a sentence to guide word meaning (Syntactic Bootstrapping Hypothesis; e.g., Leticia Naigles, and Roger Brown). Some place a particular importance on pragmatic principles for word learning, such as understanding the communicative intentions of the speaker (e.g., Dare Baldwin and Amanda Woodward). Finally, there are some theories of word learning that suggest that all of these mechanisms have a role, but that some are more important to the beginning word learner, while others are used by only children who have some words already in their lexicon (e.g., Emergentist Coalition Model; Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Golinkoff). You may want to consider research discussed in the section of your textbook called “The Process of Word Learning” (pp153-163, 5th Edition).

Paper Format Please format your paper into 5 separate paragraphs – an opening statement, three paragraphs for your three arguments and accompanying description of empirical evidence and a closing statement. • Opening Statement = should include a restatement of the question posed to you in the assignment, your opinion (clearly stated), and a description of the three arguments you will use to support your opinion. For each of three arguments, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you will review below in each argument paragraph. Thus, you will have three sentences, each summarizing specific findings (arguments) in support of your opinion. • First Argument = you should start this paragraph with your first argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion. • Second Argument = you should start this paragraph with your second argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion. • Third Argument = you should start this paragraph with your third argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following LIN 4710: Language Acquisition Dr. Shannon Pruden information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion. • Closing Statement = should include a restatement of the question posed to you in the assignment, your opinion (clearly stated), and a description of the three arguments you will use to support your opinion. For each of three arguments, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you will review below in each argument paragraph. Thus, you will have three sentences, each summarizing specific findings (arguments) in support of your opinion. Note: All assignments must be typed double-spaced, 12-point Times (or Times New Roman) font. There are no minimum or maximum page limits; but please be sure to review the grading rubric. All assignments will be run through Turnitin Software and I will examine Turnitin results carefully for issues with plagiarism. Any assignment returning a similiarity score of 20% or higher will be carefully examined for plagiarism.

**Some students have requested a little help with journal articles for the required writing assignment. I am including a few here below for links), particularly ones that are in support of a functionalist approach. I am also including a few on how children learn words. You may only use 1 article from this subset for your paper. You must identify two other articles on your own.

How Children Learn Words Articles

Imai, M., Gentner, D., & Uchida, N. (1994). Children’s theories of word meaning: The role of shape similarity in early acquisition. Cognitive Development, 9, 45-75.

Landau, B., Smith, L.B., & Jones, S.S. (1988). The importance of shape in early lexical learning. Cognitive Development, 3, 299-321.

Markman, E.M., Wasow, J.L., & Hansen, M.B. (2003). Use of mutual exclusivity assumption by young word learners. Cognitive Psychology, 47, 241-275.

Pruden, S.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R.M., & Hennon, E.A. (2006). The birth of words: Ten-month-olds learn words through perceptual salience. Child Development, 77, 266-280.

Functionalist/Formalist Debate Articles

Mundy, P., & Gomes, A. (1998). Individual differences in joint attention skill development in the second year. Infant Behavior and Development, 21, 469-482.

Rowe, M.L., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2009). Differences in early gesture explain SES disparities in child vocabulary size at school entry. Science, 323, 951-953.

Tamis-LeMonda, C.S., Bornstein, M.H., Baumwell, L. (2001). Maternal responsiveness and children’s achievement of language milestones. Child Development, 72, 7488-767.

Tomasello, M., & Farrar, M.J. (1986). Joint attention and early language. Child Development, 57, 1454-1463.


LIN Rubric

LIN Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction:Question PosedRestatement of Question Posed.

2.0 pts

Question that was posed in assignment was restated in introduction. Restatement of question posed was clear, concise, and well-written.

1.0 pts

“Question that was posed in assignment was restated in introduction, however restatement of question posed was not clear, concise, and/or well-written. “

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no restatement of question was found.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction:Opinion StatedClear Statement of Opinion.

2.0 pts

A clear statement of opinion on the question posed in assignment was provided. Statement of opinion was clear, concise, and well-written.

1.0 pts

A statement of opinion on the question posed in assignment was provided, however statement was not clear, concise, and/or well-written.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no opinion was stated.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction:Argument 1Summary of Argument 1 Provided.

2.0 pts

First argument in support of opinion was clearly summarized in a separate sentence. Sentence was clear, concise, and well-written.

1.0 pts

First argument in support of opinion was summarized , however summary was not clear, concise, and/or written-well.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of first argument.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction: Argument 2Summary of Argument 2 Provided.

2.0 pts

Second argument in support of opinion was clearly summarized in a separate sentence. Sentence was clear, concise, and well-written.

1.0 pts

Second argument in support of opinion was summarized , however summary was not clear, concise, and/or written-well.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of second argument.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction:Argument 3Summary of Argument 3 Provided.

2.0 pts

Third argument in support of opinion was clearly summarized in a separate sentence. Sentence was clear, concise, and well-written.

1.0 pts

Third argument in support of opinion was summarized , however summary was not clear, concise, and/or written-well.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of third argument.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction:Evidenced-BasedArguments were Evidenced-Based.

2.0 pts

All three arguments in introduction were based on peer-reviewed, empirical journal articles reporting original data.

1.0 pts

Only one or two arguments in introduction were based on peer-reviewed, empirical journal articles reporting original data.

0.0 pts

All three arguments in introduction were not based on empirical on peer-reviewed, empirical journal articles reporting original data.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:First SentenceFirst Sentence of First Argument Paragraph Summarized Argument.

2.0 pts

First sentence of the first argument paragraph summarized argument. This sentence was clear, concise and well-written.

1.0 pts

First sentence of the first argument paragraph summarized argument. This sentence was not very clear, concise and/or well-written.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of argument in first sentence of first argument paragraph was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:Specific FindingsFirst Argument Summarized Specific Findings.

2.0 pts

First argument summarized the specific findings of an empirical journal article. This summary was clear, concise and well-written.

1.0 pts

“Summary of findings of empirical journal article was very general and/or this summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written. “

0.0 pts

Summary of specific findings was inadequate and/or missing.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1: Research QuestionDescription of Article’s Research Question Provided.

2.0 pts

Summary of research question posed by authors in empirical journal article was provided. This summary was clear, concise and well-written.

1.0 pts

Summary of research question posed by authors in empirical journal article was provided, however summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of research question posed by authors in empirical journal article was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:ParticipantsDescription of Article’s Participants Provided.

2.0 pts

Summary of participants included in empirical journal article was provided. This summary was clear, concise and well-written and provided detailed information about participants.

1.0 pts

Summary of participants included in empirical journal article was provided, however summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written and/or did not provide detailed information.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of participants included in empirical journal article was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:Stimuli/AssessmentsDescription of Article’s Stimuli/Assessments Provided.

2.0 pts

Summary of stimuli/assessments used in empirical journal article was provided. This summary was clear, concise and well-written and provided detailed information about the stimuli/assessments.

1.0 pts

Summary of stimuli/assessments included in empirical journal article was provided, however summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written and/or did not provide detailed information.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of stimuli/assessments included in empirical journal article was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:ProcedureDescription of Article’s Procedure Provided.

2.0 pts

Summary of procedure used in empirical journal article was provided. This summary was clear, concise and well-written and provided detailed information about the procedure used to gather data.

1.0 pts

Summary of procedure included in empirical journal article was provided, however summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written and/or did not provide detailed information about how data were gathered.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of procedure included in empirical journal article was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:VariablesDescription of Article’s Independent and Dependent Variables Provided.

2.0 pts

Summary of independent and dependent variables in empirical journal article was provided. This summary was clear, concise and well-written and provided detailed information about the independent and dependent variables.

1.0 pts

Summary of independent and dependent variables included in empirical journal article was provided, however summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written and/or did not provide detailed information about independent and dependent variables.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of independent and dependent variables included in empirical journal article was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1: Study ResultsDescription of Article’s Specific Study Results Provided.

2.0 pts

Summary of specific study results of empirical journal article was provided. This summary was clear, concise and well-written and provided detailed information about the specific study results.

1.0 pts

Summary of specific study results included in empirical journal article was provided, however summary was not clear, concise and/or well-written and/or did not provide detailed information about specific study results.

0.0 pts

Required component was missing; no summary of specific study results included in empirical journal article was provided.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 1:Linking StatementA Statement of How Specific Findings Provide Support for Opinion Included.

2.0 pts

Statement linking how specific findings from empirical journal article provide support for opinion was included. This statement was clear, concise and well-written and detailed how


Imagine that your group is a jury at a film festival and you are writing a documentary critique.

Final project should demonstrate your familiarity with the subject (e.g. climate change, deforestation, overfishing, renewable energy) and critical thinking skills.

Your critique of the documentary should be based on the following questions:

1. What is the principal subject of this documentary?

2. What is its purpose? What kind of impact does it seek to achieve upon its intended audience?

3. Does it argue for a certain position?

4. Does it critique a certain position?

5. What are the strengths of this documentary?

And the documentary is “ plastic ocean


Chemistry course post discussion and two replies. The document has been attached


Please follow the requirements and read the book chapter 11&12, need 6 citation and each paragraph need 2 citation, one is from book,other one is from outside source. First picture please pick one or more book assignment idea. I have professor grade sheet, so please read it too. write 2 full pages, double space. Due US pacific time, 11/8


ARTS 209

Week 1 Discussion

Thread: In the presentation, we discussed examples of God’s creativity and provision of inspiration in the Bible. Find an example from the Bible where you see God’s creativity and/or preparation of artists for His glory and purposes. This should be an example that did not appear in the presentation. Include the Scripture reference and text (this will not count toward your word count requirement). Discuss how this passage helps you understand God as creator and inspirer as well as how it encourages you as you seek to be creative. Include a personal application of this truth in your own walk as an artist.

Week 2 Discussion

Thread: Select a historical movement from the list below (that has not yet been completed by 2 other students who may have posted before you). Write a summary of the historical movement including the time period the movement covered, important artists from the period, and a discussion of the common characteristics of art from this period. Embed at least 1 example of art from this time period into your post.

Arts and Crafts Movement




Art Nouveau







Art Deco


De Stijl (The Style)



International Style

New York School

Pop Art

Push Pin Style


Week 3 Cognitive Theory Project – Part 1

Your goal with this project is to create a work of art meant to persuade the viewer about a particular idea. You must decide on a target audience and a specific message about which you are trying to convince them. After brainstorming, fill in this document with your project plans and submit the document as a PDF to Blackboard saved as LastnameFirstname_cognitive_part1.pdf. Be sure to review the project grading rubric before submission.

Target Audience Description:

In this section, describe the audience you wish to reach with your message. Be as specific as possible, listing demographic information (age/sex/education level/income/life stage/etc.) as well as psychographic information (likes/dislikes/beliefs/opinions on certain matters, etc.).

Message Summary:

In this section, write a 1-sentence objective of what you’re trying to persuade that audience to do or believe.

Examples: To persuade my target audience to donate blood. To persuade my target audience to believe recycling makes a difference.

Research/Development – Mental Processes:

After viewing the presentation, “Vision and the Communication Process,” in Module/Week 3, fill out the development information in the sections below. Provide a minimum of 2 sentences in response to each prompt.

Memory—how do you plan to connect your visuals with any memories the target audience may have?

Recognition—which company, cause, or concept will your audience be able to recognize inside your visual?

Comparison—what do you want your target audience to compare this advertisement to? How will you accomplish this?

Salience/Relevance—what visual and/or textual plans do you have in place to make your project relevant to your target audience?

Association—do you plan to design your project in such a way that the audience would associate the visual with an event or activity? What is your plan for this?

Analysis—what distinct elements do you want your target audience to identify?

Interpretation—how are you trying to persuade the audience? Note: This is not of WHAT you are trying to persuade the audience, but rather how the content of your project will persuade your audience.

Research/Development – Mental Activities:

After reading Chapter 2 in the textbook, fill out the development information in the sections below. Be sure to include plans to account for 3 of the mental activities that can affect visual perception. For each of your selected mental activities, briefly define the activity and your plan for how to counteract that within your project.









Week 4 Cognitive Theory Project – Part 2


Your goal with this project is to create a work of art meant to persuade the viewer about a particular idea. In part 1, you decided on a target audience and a specific message about which you are trying to convince them.

  • Step 1: Review your foundation work from part 1. Select the medium for your project.
  • Step 2: Sketch, plan, and gather materials and inspiration.
  • Step 3: Create and refine the project.
  • Step 4: Complete and submit your project via a Powerpoint presentation prepared according to the guidelines below.
  • Part 1 (1–5 slides): Explanation of cognitive theory as a whole as well as the mental processes and activities you accounted for in your project.
  • Part 2 (3–8 slides): Research/inspiration, concept explanation (message), and concept development (planning, sketching, and showing the process).


At the conclusion of your project, create a PowerPoint presentation which explains your knowledge of the theory, preparation for the project, and application of the theory in the creative project.

  • Title slide: Cognitive Theory Project, Your Name

Include detailed speaker notes

Week 5 Discussion

Thread: The Bible includes many passages where Jesus reveals his character by making statements which include the words, “I am the __________.” These statements help us to understand Jesus better, because of our understanding of the objects to which He connects himself. Select one of these statements to discuss. Include the Scripture reference and the full text for the verses. What might it mean that Jesus says He is the ___________? Include what you are able to understand about Jesus through his use of these symbols. Reflect on how helpful or unhelpful the use of symbols are in the Bible.

Week 6 Semiotics Project


For this project, you will create a piece that is imbued with semiotic significance. The completed project must include at least 1 of the 3 types of signs: iconic, indexical, and symbolic. Start with a message in mind. What would you like your audience to feel or understand as a result of your effort?

  • Step 1: Research, brainstorm, and consider your culture and how its elements can be used to symbolize the eternal. Select the medium for your project.
  • Step 2: Sketch, plan, and gather materials and inspiration.
  • Step 3: Create and refine the project.
  • Step 4: Complete and submit your project via a PowerPoint presentation, prepared according to the guidelines below.
  • Part 1 (1-3 slides): Explanation of semiotics theory, and explanation of how your work is an application of this theory, exhibiting at least 1 of the 3 types of signs.
  • Part 2 (3-8 slides): Research/inspiration, concept explanation (message), and concept development (planning, sketching, and showing the process).


At the conclusion of your project, create a PowerPoint presentation which explains your knowledge of the theory, preparation for the project, and application of the theory in the creative project.

  • Title slide: Semiotics Theory Project, Your Name

Include detailed speaker notes.

Week 7 Gestalt Project


For this project, you will create a piece designed with the use of gestalt laws of perception as tools for creating emphasis/focal point and unity. Your completed project needs to utilize at least 2 of the gestalt laws. Start with a message in mind. What would you like your audience to feel or understand as a result of your effort? What would you like to communicate: a feeling? A concept? A goal?

  • Step 1: Research and brainstorm. Select the medium for your project.
  • Step 2: Sketch, plan, and gather materials and inspiration.
  • Step 3: Create and refine the project.
  • Step 4: Complete and submit your project via a PowerPoint Presentation, prepared according to the guidelines below.
  • Part 1 (1–3 slides): Explanation of gestalt theory, and explanation of how your work is an application of this theory exhibiting at least 2 laws.
  • Part 2 (3–8 slides): Research/inspiration, concept explanation (message), and concept development (planning, sketching, and showing the process).


At the conclusion of your project, create a PowerPoint presentation which explains your knowledge of the theory, preparation for the project, and application of the theory in the creative project.

  • Title slide: Gestalt Theory Project, Your Name

Include detailed speaker notes.

ARTS 205

Week 1 Discussion

Summarize this module/week’s readings in at least 300 words. Your summary must integrate a Christian worldview, and you must respond to 2 other classmates’ threads as well.

Week 8 Discussion

Summarize this module/week’s readings in at least 300 words. Your summary must integrate a Christian worldview with the content, and you must respond to 2 other classmates’ threads as well.

Journal Entry 1

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

Jesus in Modern and Contemporary Art: https://youtu.be/QOstaYzH638

Neo-Classicism: https://youtu.be/F1IaMgha9fk

Romanticism: https://youtu.be/agK-qvtb6Mc

Woodcut Printing 1450-1520: https://youtu.be/mgCYovlFRNY

The Impressionists: https://youtu.be/9RHGbWBgDvI

Journal Entry 2

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

Paul Cezanne and his Revolutionary Optics: https://youtu.be/V9VRKHi9IKQ

Rodin – The Thinker: https://youtu.be/jha6SvVLXjU

Famous Vincent Van Gogh Paintings: https://youtu.be/lLBDAXy8FuA

Arts and Crafts Movement: https://youtu.be/tYjNO2Y4m6c

Louis Comfort Tiffany: https://youtu.be/bV_9mQgZVdU

Antoni Gaudi – Barcelona’s Master of Sacred Architecture: https://youtu.be/6W_lCdV1SXk

Journal Entry 3

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

Georges Rouault: https://youtu.be/ImxZQ5HuROg

Helen Mirren on Vasily Kandinsky: https://youtu.be/0_YDrJoUe8s

Paul Klee at Tate Modern: https://youtu.be/kLbPTI6bfC4

Cubism: https://youtu.be/DSZMlfm1Ln0

Journal Entry 4

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

A Brief History: https://youtu.be/cx_ilOM_n9A

Mondrian at Tate Liverpool and Turner Contemporary: https://youtu.be/dhv3_nGfETw

A History and its Legacy: https://youtu.be/xYrzrqB0B8I

Journal Entry 5

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931: https://youtu.be/6mp-fBJNQmU

The Progression of Joan Miro: https://youtu.be/Wl2MmLWFS-A

Giacometti – Icons of 20th Century Art: https://youtu.be/JeBpRrLqdaY

Art Treasures of Nebraska – Robert Henri: https://youtu.be/OFyGOxUuI94

Ansel Adams – Technique & Working Methods: https://youtu.be/DQT_rzI1Xdw

Harlem Renaissance Art History Montage: https://youtu.be/NQBK8lQ7sZ4

Diego Rivera Murals in Mexico: https://youtu.be/h-qMTx3RPyE

Calder’s Sculpture Continues to Captivate: https://youtu.be/QSF9C2AuIJM

Journal Entry 6

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

In the Shadow of War – Graham Sutherland’s ‘Crucifixion’: https://youtu.be/NtrC4ZU_XnA

Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Running Fence: https://youtu.be/nBVpgN4JAsE

Roy Lichtenstein Interview (1966): https://youtu.be/QGd5Hg4xIRM

Conversations with Corita: https://youtu.be/v3cDobuh1UU

Journal Entry 7

Take the virtual tours assigned for this module/week. Once completed, write a 400-word journal entry of your experience, including at least 1 citation in current MLA format.

Land Art – Celebrating the Work of Heizer, Smithson, and De Maria: https://youtu.be/FVRgwEQX3zs

Duane Hanson at Van de Weghe, NYC: https://youtu.be/Jc9ENdX9VWY

Voyages Maui – Joyce Kozloff: https://youtu.be/GJYrGy7m_LI

Great Architects – Robert Venturi: https://youtu.be/EtNwF_ds1cw V

Virtual Art Exhibit Project Instructions

You will visit online museums and galleries that include art from the 20th and 21st century. There are numerous examples in both Christian and secular galleries and museums. Throughout this course, you will visit 5 virtual exhibits and write a 100-word summary about the artist from the exhibit and include a link to his/her work.

  • Spend some time thinking about the particular artists you may like.
  • Take time to look in the required books for this course to help you understand what period or movement the artists may be part of. You will also want to spend time online looking for information about the artists. Tip: Try thinking about starting with The Museum of Modern Art website.
  • By the end of Module/Week 6, you will have found a total of 5 artists, written a 100-word summary about each one, and included a link to visit his/her work. This makes up your Virtual Art Exhibit Project.

All creative work for this course should reflect the skills and artistic ability God has given you. Your goal for this course should be to put forth your best effort and to strive for excellence and growth.

NOTE: For this Virtual Art Exhibit Project you should visit 5 separate virtual exhibits and write 5 separate 100-word summaries about the artist from that exhibit and include a link to the artwork.



Evaluate the roles and behaviors of teams in organizational settings.

Scenario Information

As a leader, you have been tasked with building a team whose purpose is to recommend a new performance evaluation system. The current system is outdated and greatly reduces employee morale each year.


As the leader of this problem-solving team, you are tasked with assessing types of teams, benefits, and determinants of successful teams. The company has asked you for a two-page report outlining issues and recommendations for team interventions.

In your report, you will want to:

  • Compare the types of teams and how they are utilized within an organization.
  • Discuss habits that can be used to enhance team success.
  • Summarize the advantages of teams and benefits of teams in relation to the organization, manager, and employees.
  • Provide your recommendations of key determinants that contribute to successful teams and how they can be implemented in an organization.


The purpose of this paper is to further your ability to think critically and analytically. Likewise, you need to refine your strategic thinking competencies in written form and communicate your ideas and arguments effectively. To accomplish these goals,

a. Requirement. Students will write a 5-8 page (double-spaced, one-inch margins and Arial 11-pt.font (analytical paper) about: NSC-68 to demonstrate knowledge of, and the capacity.

b. your paper will include an introduction that informs the readers as to the topic of the paper and includes a thesis statement (that is, a sentence or two that informs the reader as to what your principal argument is or what your position is in relation to the topic you selected); the body, in which you provide the evidence to support your thesis statement; and lastly, a conclusion (summation of your argument and any final thoughts but do not add new arguments). If you are responding to the second topic, then use the format template and the historical examples to guide your discussion of the issues involved:

  • Using NSC-68, Paul Nitze’s speech on NSC-68, the Cold War chronology, and the Strategy Formulation Framework as sources, conduct an analysis of NSC-68. In conducting this analysis you may want to consider these questions. (Note: they are illustrative of the type of issues you could address, not a checklist.) How does NSC-68 describe the US national purpose? Are there particular cultural and intellectual antecedents that influence the strategy’s content (values, beliefs, history, ideas, etc.)? How does the document characterize US national interests? What is the strategic vision that the document seeks to realize? How does that vision relate to Nitze’s perception of the strategic environment (threats, challenges and opportunities) and the US-led international order?
  • What instruments of national power can be used to achieve the document’s stated ends? Does NSC-68 meet the SAF-R test or does it fail to meet the test because the document does not adequately address one or more of the four instruments? (A review of the WPNS Part II readings regarding the domestic environment and the “Kennan and the X-article” reading in particular, may be helpful.)
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