
Over the course of the class, you should have learned about many topics in psychology.Select any THREE (3) main concepts from the list below that you would like to define (in your own words), provide an example, and explain your example in a way that demonstrates that it is an example given the definition of the concept (more on what to do below). If there is (are) concept(s) you’d like to use for this assignment that does (do) not appear on the list, you MUST get prior written approval from your instructor to use that concept.

Concept Choices:• A concept of your own choosing (must get prior written approval from your instructor)

• Confidentiality (as it pertains to research)

• Introspection

• Fight or Flight

• Head injuries

• Habituation

• Positive Reinforcement and Positive Punishment

• Modeling

• Chunking

• Mnemonics/Study techniques

• Tolerance (as it pertains to drug use)

• Substance dependence

• Nature vs. nurture

• Parenting styles (you must discuss all of them)

• Erikson’s stages of psycho social development

• Conformity

• Availability heuristic

• Introversion/Extroversion

• Unconditional positive regard

When you have chosen your three concepts (or had them approved by your instructor), please do thefollowing for EACH CONCEPT:

1. How would you define, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what the concept is?

2. Give an example of the concept either from your own life OR from current events. So, the example, of the concept, could either be one from your own life or, perhaps, it is something that you have recently heard about in the news/media. Be sure to give enough information about your example so that your instructor understands it.

3. Please give a thorough explanation about how the example you provided relates back to (or demonstrates) the definition you gave for the concept. You should be relating the example back to the definition so that it is evident how the example illustrates/demonstrates the definition of the concept.The following is an example of what you would be doing if the concept you chose was “the false consensus effect”:

The false consensus effect is when an individual overestimates how typical their own beliefs are, and assumes that everyone shares their beliefs and feelings about something. For example, I am an avid Beyoncé fan and am in love with her new album! When I meet new people I love to talk about Bey and baby Blue. Beyoncé is everything! Everyone should love her. Right? I mean, I love her. The reason that this is an example of the false consensus effect is because I am under the impression that it is normal for me to love Beyoncé, and that everyone loves Beyoncé just as much as I do. However, this is a false belief. In fact, it is possible that, in general, not everyone likes or admires Beyoncé, and that just because I like her it does not mean that everyone else likes her.(DO NOT USE THIS EXAMPLE!!)

General Guidelines:

• Your entire writing assignment should be:

o 2 pages (you will not lose points if it’s longer),

o typed,

o double-spaced,

o Times New Roman 12-point font,

o with 1-inchmargins on all sides (please note that the default in Microsoft Word is 1.25

o inches on the right and left, so you’ll need to change that).

o Your writing assignment should be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

• Your writing assignment should be written in ESSAY form, with complete sentences and paragraphs:

o Paragraph 1: introductory paragraph

o Paragraph 2: 1st concept (definition, example, and explanation)

o Paragraph 3: 2nd concept (definition, example, and explanation)

o Paragraph 4: 3rd concept (definition, example, and explanation)

o Paragraph 5: concluding paragraph


TOPIC: Research paper about bacteria “BACILLUS THURENGIENCIS”

“research everything about it” (history,

discovery, diseases it causes, how, health issues, cure, treatments, statistics, etc)

MLA style works cited

Also research sources have to be trusted sources with .edu .gov .org



Thank you



  1. Under a Nash equilibrium for a two-person simultaneous game,
    A.both players maximize their collective (total) payoff
    B.each player maximizes his own payoff given the action of the other player
    C.one player maximizes his payoff but the other player does not maximize
    D.there must be one likely outcome for the game


  1. Please refer to the simultaneous two-player game associated with Questions 3-5 at the end of Chapter 15. What are the strategies of the players under the Nash equilibrium?
    A.Both firms advertise
    B.Both firms don’t advertise
    C.Superstore advertises and Megastore does not advertise
    D.Megastore advertises and Superstore does not advertise


  1. Please refer to the two-person simultaneous game associated with Questions 8-9 at the end of Chapter 15. Is this game a Prisoners’ Dilemma?


  1. Please refer to the game associated with Question 10 at the end of Chapter 15. Suppose this game is a two-player simultaneous game. How many Nash equilibria are associated with this game?


  1. Please refer to the sequential salary game associated with Individual Problem 15-4 at the end of Chapter 15 — the tree-form of the game is provided in the diagram at the top of page 202. What is the Nash equilibrium for this game?
    A.The employer makes a high offer and the employee accepts
    B.The employer makes a low offer and the employee accepts
    C.The employer makes a high offer and the employee walks
    D.The employer makes a low offer and the employee walks


1st discussion

Related-Samples t test

Describe a study you would like to explore in your future or current career that could be analyzed with a related-samples t test. To help design the study, answer the following:

  • Is it a matched groups t test or repeated measures t test and why?
  • What is the independent variable?
  • What is the dependent variable?
  • What do you expect to find if you ran the study? List this out both in statistical language (feel free to make up some numbers for the results) as well as real-world language.

Submit your post by Wednesday. Please be sure to cite your text and any other materials used.

2nd Discussion

Post something to the discussion board related to the content we are exploring this week. For each post, be succinct, using no more than 75 words. Also feel free to explore the features of Yellowdig, such as the ability to embed videos and pictures, create polls, use hashtags, like or love a post, and so on.

Here are some ideas for your pin (post) to get you started:

  • Find a short video or article about learning and the brain. Share the link to your source and a short summary of the source. Include why you found the resource helpful to your understanding.
  • Discuss an area of learning and memory in Chapter 12 that stood out to you. Why was this information important to you? Can you see it affecting your personal or professional life?
  • Find an article about learning and memory related to the brain in the popular press (such as The New York Times, CNN, Psychology Today). Share a link to your source and a short summary of the source. Discuss why this made the news and why it is important.
  • Find a video about an aspect of memory and the brain. Share the link and a short summary. Also, share what stood out to you the most or surprised you.
  • Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article showing empirical research on learning and memory and the brain. Post a link to the article and a brief summary of the research methods used and the author’s conclusions.


part 1

  • This American Life episode 562: The Problem We All Live With

    Listen to this podcast https://www.thisamericanlife.org/562/the-problem-we-all-live-with-part-oneabout inequality in our school system. Be prepared to discuss in the Discussion Board. See the information on how to access/listen to podcasts on your phone in Course Materials.

  • Why was the story of Michael Brown so important to this discussion of education? Nearly 1 in 2 black children and 1 in 25 white children attend schools with provisional accreditation. Why is this a problem?

part 2


at least 3000 words. similarity no more than 15%. all requirement attached on the file.



I have attached a sample of how the assignment should be done 1 page foe each assignemnt and make sure everything is covered.

Each mini-assignment should be a 1.5pgs. (minimum) – 3pgs (maximum).

Each mini-assignment should briefly summarize two (2) of the assigned readings (not the “optional” or “recommended”) from the selected week, including the author’s main argument/thesis, a brief overview of their analysis, and their concluding findings. In addition to the summaries, students will then provide a brief personal reflection on both readings, including a question or point of interest per reading.

The main purpose for these mini-assignments is to provide you with content to talk about in class, in addition to showing me your critical engagement with our course readings. In other words, your brief reflection and question/points of interest should either be engaging with/critiquing the author’s points, providing an additional point of view/argument that the author seems to be missing, or asking a question of clarification (that isn’t evident from the reading itself) – this critical engagement with the reading needs to be made apparent and the

questions/points of interest should produce discussion (i.e.: cannot be answered with one or two words).


I need you to interview one person age 13-25 and make 10 interview questions. Make sure you read the extra information provided


I attach you the assignment file with the instruction.


Your program should prompt the user for the following information:

  • The side length (in feet) of the finished garden.
  • The recommended spacing (in feet) between plants.
  • The depth (in feet) of the flowerbeds.
  • The depth (in feet) of the filled areas.

Next estimate the number of plants and the amount of fill and flowerbed soil needed. Finally, it should report the following quantities needed for the garden:

  • Number of plants for each type of flowerbed (semicircle and circle) and total number of plants for the garden.
  • Cubic yards of soil for each type of flowerbed (semicircle and circle) and total cubic yards of soil for the garden, rounded to one decimal place.

3.Total cubic yards of fill material for the garden, rounded to one decimal place.



  • Code: proj02.py – your source code solution (remember to include the date, project number and comments in this file). Be sure to use “proj02.py” for the file name. Be sure to add comments to your code to help me understand it.
  • Pseudocode: pseudo02.doc – your pseudocode solution to the problem in a Microsoft Word file. Be sure to use proper indentation and “program” in English (or your first language of choice with an English translation).
  • Flowchart: flow02-partX.jpg – your flowchart solution in an image file format (jpg, png, etc.) Be sure to use the proper shapes for each type of statement in your program. Each separate function created should have its own flow image (numbered as flow02-part1.jpg, flow02-part2.jpg, etc.).


I need help with my homework. Is there any linguistics tutor in studypool. I need u to read the attached photo for information on my homework.