Differences between endotherms and exotherms

 Biology homework help

Use the Physiology Test Template to complete this assignment.

Read the Writing Good Multiple Choice questions article on the Berkeley Lab Training website for tips on writing multiple-choice questions: http://training.lbl.gov/Resources/MultipleChoice.html

Imagine you have been asked to teach a small group of your peers about animal organs.

Create 10 multiple-choice questions to test knowledge of the structure and function of animal organs.

Address the functions of each of the following concepts in your test.

  • Differences between asymmetrical, radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.
  • Differences between endotherms and exotherms.
  • Definition and examples of epithelial tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of connective tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of muscle tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of nervous tissue. (provide one example)

Use the Physiology Test Template to complete this assignment.

Read the Writing Good Multiple Choice questions article on the Berkeley Lab Training website for tips on writing multiple-choice questions: http://training.lbl.gov/Resources/MultipleChoice.html

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Describe the approaches you would use to ensure that all aspects of patient care were considered when developing a CDS system

 Biology homework help

Unit 4 Assignment Instructions

Imagine that you have been appointed as director of clinical decision support at a healthcare delivery system. This healthcare system consists of several large hospitals and multiple outpatient clinics and uses the same EHR system across the enterprise.

There has been limited CDS activity at the institution prior to your arrival. Now, with Meaningful Use and the increasing need to provide increased care value, the appropriate use of CDS is an institutional priority. The current CDS available at your institution consists primarily of off-the-shelf drug interaction and drug–allergy alerting, which is the source of significant clinician complaints due to the rate of false-positive alerts.

There is a strong sense within the institution’s administration that IT in general and CDS specifically should be leveraged to improve care value and to enable the institution to influence its clinical practice patterns more systematically and more rapidly. You have a reasonable budget and adequate staff to make meaningful changes. You also have support from key institutional stakeholders, including healthcare system executives, the nursing informatics officer, and the chief medical informatics officer. You have been asked to devise a strategic plan for CDS at your institution within 3 months of your arrival and to have concrete “wins” within.

In your response, please include the following information:

  • Describe the approaches you would use to ensure that all aspects of patient care were considered when developing a CDS system. How would you prioritize the efforts of your CDS team?
  • Potential areas on which to focus include areas in which payment rates are tied to national quality measures, CDS interventions that meet Meaningful Use requirements, readmissions for congestive heart failure and other care events for which payers increasingly are not reimbursing, and areas that have been identified as institutional priorities for clinical improvement.


  • Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length.
  • You should include at least three peer-reviewed sources (your text may be one).
  • Your paper should be in APA format.

Explain the need for safe work environment

 Biology homework help

Employee Safety Handbook


You are a new HR specialist in a small hospital.  The hospital has recently had an increase in accidents and work related incidents. The hospital administration has never had a full time HR specialist and is not sure where to begin to address this issue.  One of the first tasks that you are to complete, is to create an employee safety handbook.  The handbook will serve as a guide for employees on how they are to interact in a safe and productive work environment.


Create an employee safety handbook.  Be sure to include the following:

· Explain the need for safe work environment.

· Identify the responsibilities of employees in maintaining a safe work environment.

· Incorporate employee relations doctrines.

· Delineate and describe OSHA standards as it relates to employees.

· Identify and address Joint Commission concerns as it relates to employees.

· Address ramifications if safety and performance management standards are not met.

. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Explained the need for safe work environment.28
Identified responsibilities of employees in maintaining a safe work environment.28
Incorporated employee relations doctrines.24
Delineated and described OSHA standards as it relates to employees.28
Identified and addressed Joint Commission concerns as it relates to employees.24
Addressed ramifications if safety and performance management standards are not met.24
Style (4 points): Tone, audience, and word choice

Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion

Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style

CriteriaMaximum Points
GR1 Explained the need for safe work environment.28 points
GR2 Identified responsibilities of employees in maintaining a safe work environment.28 points
GR3 Incorporated employee relations doctrines.24 points
GR4 Delineated and described OSHA standards as it relates to employees.28 points
GR5 Identified and addressed Joint Commission concerns as it relates to employees.24 points
GR6 Addressed ramifications if safety and performance management standards are not met.24 points
GR7 Style, Tone, audience, and word choice Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references,44 points

What is the phylum of your species?

 Biology homework help

use one PAGE for animal:



use one PAGE for plant


to answer these 10 questions for both (AMERICAN KESTEREL) as an animal and same 10 questions for (SAWEET GUM) as a plant complete and short answer.and the source as what he asked. just write the number of the question and the answer.

1. What is the scientific name of your plant or animal?

2. To which family does it belong? Use the technical name that ends dae in-idae or -aceae.

3. What is the range (geographical distribution) of your species?

4.Where would you expect to find one of your species? In other words, what habitat?

5. Did you find other common names for your species? What are they?

6. What is the phylum of your species? The botanists sometimes use the term division instead of phylum for plants.

7. What are some diagnostic traits of your species? In other words, how can you distinguish it from its nearest relatives?

8. What is an evolutionary adaptation of your species that helps it survive?

9. Give another interesting fact that you learned about your species.

10. Name the kingdom to which your species belongs. For the animal (not the plant), give also the name of the order to which it belongs.

List below three BOOKS you used to get your answers. You may use the intemet, but you still must cite three books. For the BOOKS, give the title, author(s), year published, city where published, call number, and page(s) where you found some answers..




The attachment file is an example of solution method and sources

What are the major differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

 Biology homework help


1. What are the major differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

2. What did you notice about the size of fungi as compared to bacteria?

3. What Domain are the Fungi classified in?

4. Fungi are divided into macroscopic & microscopic fungi. We did not discuss macroscopic fungi, but covered microscopic in detail. What are the two different groups of microscopic fungi?

5. What feature is fungal classification based on?

6. How do yeasts & molds differ in structure?

7. What are the variations in mold structure?

 – Protista

1. What did you notice about the size of protista as compared to bacteria?

2. What domain are the Protists classified in?

3. What are the 2 major divisions of Kingdom Protista?

4. What are diatoms?

5. Describe what diatoms look like under the light microscope. (If we didn’t look at the slide in class – search the internet)

6. What are the two life forms of protozoans?

7. How are protozoa classified?

8. Protozoans are divided into four major groups. What are they? Describe how they differ.

9. List each protozoan looked at in lab. Indicate its motility structure & which group it belongs to. You should also be able to identify the organism (& its scientific name) when shown a picture.

10. Many of the organisms we viewed are pathogens. Give a brief description of the disease or infection associated.

11. How does the ability to form cysts complicate health concerns?

What happens when you give a snail kite an exotic species to eat?

 Biology homework help

What happens when you give a snail kite an exotic species to eat?

Salmon in the Tree

Written Article

Written Article

400-500 words

At least 3 academic articles

In-text citations and reference section (CSE style)

Clearly define the question you are answering

Clear explanations of relevant biological principles, include data where applicable

Well organized- use paragraphs! Have an introduction, middle section where you use relevant details to answer the question, and then a concluding paragraph.

Citing your sources correctly – and avoiding plagiarism

Summary – Write a summary using your own words of the ideas or the text you want to use. Be original without using the words of the original work and be sure you cite the source for the information

Paraphrase – is similar to a summary. It just means taking what you have read and rewriting it in your own words. You must cite the paraphrase.

Use “direct quotes” only where absolutely necessary.

NOTE:  If there is evidence of plagiarism in your written article, you will receive zero for the assignment AND you will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee

Using ‘in-text’ citations

Name-Year (N-Y) System in CSE

Be sure that every in-text citation has a corresponding entry in the reference list.

In-text citations (also known as parenthetical references) include the author’s last name and year of the reference without a comma, e.g., (Smith 2011).

If there is no author, include the first word(s) of the title (enough to identify the source) followed by an ellipsis (…), e.g., (Biological research … 2007)

For two authors, list both last names in the in-text citation separated by “and” (NOT an ampersand “&”), e.g., (Haggarty and Gaynor 2008)

For more than two authors, list the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” and the year, e.g., (Coyne et al. 2001)

Written Article

Writing Tips

Interpret facts for your reader

Know your audience

Be concise

No direct quotes


Do not use contractions, slang, or metaphors

Italicize species names

eg. Thermus aquaticus

Capitalize names of taxonomic groups

eg. Proteobacteria, Mammalia

Data is plural

Don’t be teleological, don’t anthropomorphize

Science Things

Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity

Biology homework help

1. What is homeostasis? Give a physiologic example of the negative feedback mechanism in the human body and explain the process.

2. List 4 differences between arteries and veins

3. Trace the pathway of blood through the adult human circulatory system.

4. Is it safe for a woman with blood type AB- to receive blood from a person with blood type O+ ? Explain the reason for your answer.

5. Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity

6. List 3 types of skeletons and give 2 examples of an animal for each skeleton type.

7. Discuss briefly about the characters and evolution of mammals?

8. List 4 characteristics of the tapeworm and explain how they help it adapt to its lifestyle?

9. Define molting and explain why insects have to molt?

10. Explain how the features of reptiles and amphibians help them adapt to their different environments?

11. List the 4 basic characteristics of chordates

How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?

Biology homework help


Respond to one (1) of the following three topics with a “primary post” of at least 125 words. Also, please reply to a fellow student on any topic..

  • (1) Pacific Lampreys. Watch the video on Pacific Lampreys (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 2012). Please address the following three questions: (a) where do Pacific lampreys fall in the taxonomy of vertebrates? (b) what challenges do Pacific lamprey populations face? (c) why are Native American tribes of the Northwest concerned about them? (Please note: take care not to confuse the Pacific lamprey (described in the video) with the Sea Lamprey, which is a completely different species that is considered an invasive species in the Great Lakes).
  • (2) Population Distribution of Termites in a Savanna. Watch the video describing Corina Tarnita’s research on the spacing of termite mounds in savanna ecosystems (HHMI Biointeractive, 2015). The address the following questions: (a) What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds? (b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds? (c) How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?
  • (3) Supporting the Energy Needs of a Large Brain. Read the article by Zimmer (2011). Brain tissue is energetically expensive. For a species to evolve a large brain, it may need to make certain adjustments to ensure that enough energy is available to support brain function. Zimmer (2011) discusses some different adjustments in the human line of descent that may have enabled us to evolve larger brain. Explain one of these adjustments.


Zimmer, C. (2011, July/August). The brain. Discover, 32 (6), 18-19. Retrieved from EBSCOhost via Strayer University LRC. [Note: this article is located behind a paywall on the web, but you can access it for free from the Strayer University Library via EBSCOhost].

HHMI Biointeractive (2015, November 11) Analyzing patterns in the savanna landscape. [Video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/nJGpABrEatc

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (2012). Taking the initiative to conserve Pacific Lamprey. [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkwfDVAoSXk

How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

 Biology homework help

Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Skeletal muscle
What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Lymph nodes
What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, testes, ovaries
What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Human Body Systems Worksheet

Biology homework help

Human Body Systems Worksheet

Fill in the table for each system. You must identify the system by the organs present. Be as concise as possible.

Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus

Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall bladder

What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Scrotum, testes, vas deferens, urethra, penis

Ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina

What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system:


Main organs of the system:

These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.

Bone, joints
What each organ does:


How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

(Describe one interaction with another organ system)

One disease of the system:


Name and main function of the system: