What happens when you give a snail kite an exotic species to eat?

 Biology homework help

What happens when you give a snail kite an exotic species to eat?

Salmon in the Tree

Written Article

Written Article

400-500 words

At least 3 academic articles

In-text citations and reference section (CSE style)

Clearly define the question you are answering

Clear explanations of relevant biological principles, include data where applicable

Well organized- use paragraphs! Have an introduction, middle section where you use relevant details to answer the question, and then a concluding paragraph.

Citing your sources correctly – and avoiding plagiarism

Summary – Write a summary using your own words of the ideas or the text you want to use. Be original without using the words of the original work and be sure you cite the source for the information

Paraphrase – is similar to a summary. It just means taking what you have read and rewriting it in your own words. You must cite the paraphrase.

Use “direct quotes” only where absolutely necessary.

NOTE:  If there is evidence of plagiarism in your written article, you will receive zero for the assignment AND you will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee

Using ‘in-text’ citations

Name-Year (N-Y) System in CSE

Be sure that every in-text citation has a corresponding entry in the reference list.

In-text citations (also known as parenthetical references) include the author’s last name and year of the reference without a comma, e.g., (Smith 2011).

If there is no author, include the first word(s) of the title (enough to identify the source) followed by an ellipsis (…), e.g., (Biological research … 2007)

For two authors, list both last names in the in-text citation separated by “and” (NOT an ampersand “&”), e.g., (Haggarty and Gaynor 2008)

For more than two authors, list the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” and the year, e.g., (Coyne et al. 2001)

Written Article

Writing Tips

Interpret facts for your reader

Know your audience

Be concise

No direct quotes


Do not use contractions, slang, or metaphors

Italicize species names

eg. Thermus aquaticus

Capitalize names of taxonomic groups

eg. Proteobacteria, Mammalia

Data is plural

Don’t be teleological, don’t anthropomorphize

Science Things

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