
(3-4 pages, double spaced) that contains a summary of the reading, your views, feedback, as well as other comments that you found persuasive during the class discussion. You should highlight if and why you have revised your initial thoughts on the readings and subject matter.

my views: Xinjiang has multiple problem caused by different culture background of nearby countries. Chinease government did used camp to educate them but The result is that people who graduated from camp school are able to find a job and can speak chinese. Riot came because people are suffering from life, they wont if they can have a stable life.(they might have to secrifise something on the way to the human right) I think this is the main idea of the chinese government.

Prof, Feadback: if this happened in US, its also gonna be hard for american to handle this problem, american might not lock them in somewhere for education but will allow them protesting on the street.

reason for the initial throughts on the reading: China has almost 20% population of the wolrd inside their country, so stable of this huge and powerful country is their priority.

video link:https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/09/09/china-massive-crackdown-muslim-region

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