wk 3 disussion on informed consent

Week 3 Initial Discussion Post

Exploring Informed Consent

Purpose of Informed Consent

Informed consent is the communication process between the provider and the client that results in the client’s acceptance or rejection of the proposed treatment. It is an explanation of relevant information that enables the client to make an appropriate and informed decision  (Johnson & Vanderhoef, 2020).  

The main purpose of the informed consent process is to protect the patient. A consent form is a legal document that ensures an ongoing communication process between you and your health care provider. It implies that your health care provider has given you information about your condition and treatment options and that you have used this information to choose the option that you feel is right for you. Every patient has the right to get information and ask questions before procedures and treatments. If adult patients are mentally able to make their own decisions, medical care cannot begin unless they give informed consent (Kadam, 2017). 

The Main Components of Informed Consent

The main elements of informed consent include:

·      Nature and purpose of the proposed treatment or procedure

·      Risks or discomforts and benefits of treatment

·      Risks and benefits of not undergoing treatment

·      Alternative procedures or treatments

·      Diagnosis and prognosis (Johnson & Vanderhoef, 2020).

The aforementioned components of informed consent translate to the principles of informed consent which include decision-making capacity/competence of the client (capacity to understand what you are telling them and understand treatment and reasons), disclosure, documentation of consent and the right to refuse treatment. The provider must document in the the medical record that informed consent has been obtained from the client. Psychiatric and mental health providers must also ensure that the client is cognitively capable of giving informed consent (Berge, 2019). However, there are times when informed consent is not necessary, such as:

·      1) Situations that are life-threatening to the client. (restrained or given meds w/o informed consent if there is an immediate danger).

·      2) When a client is deemed incompetent to consent to treatment. (minor or adult whose judgment is questionable).

·      3) The client’s prerogative (waive the right to informed consent).

·      4) Therapeutic privilege (allows withholding full disclosure of risks, however, the provider or clinician must have very compelling and apparent reason) (Berge, 2019).

Texas Behavioral Health Confidential online Informed Consent for Assessment and Treatment

Below is an example of informed consent from Texas Behavioral Health Clinic in Houston, Texas. 


I understand that as a client of the providers here at Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC, I may be provided with a range of counseling services. The type and extent of services that I will receive will be determined following an initial assessment and thorough discussion with me. The goal of the assessment process is to determine the best course of treatment for me. Typically, treatment is provided over the course of several weeks to months.

I understand that all information obtained at Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC is confidential and no information will be shared without my consent. I acknowledge that during the course of my treatment information may be shared with other health care providers in the offices of Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC.

I further understand that there are specific and limited expectations to this confidentiality which include the following:

A. When there is a risk of imminent danger to myself or to another person, the clinician is bound to take necessary steps to prevent such danger.

B. When there is suspicion that a child or elder is being sexually or physically abused or is at risk of such abuse, the clinician is legally required to take steps to protect the child and inform proper authorities.

C. When a valid court order is issued for medical records, the clinician and the agency are bound by law to comply with such requests.

I understand that while psychotherapy and/or medication may provide significant benefits, it may also pose risks. Psychotherapy may elicit uncomfortable thoughts and feelings or may lead to the recall of troubling memories. Medications may have unwanted side effects. I understand that I need to continue medical care with my primary care physician (PCP) and notify the providers at Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC.

PLEASE NOTE: If I cancel my appointment within 24 hours or miss my appointment, I will be charged a $30 fee. If I have more than 3 consecutive cancellations, then I will receive a termination of contract letter. If, at a later time if my circumstances change, and I am able to commit to my treatment sessions, then I am welcome back to start my treatment again. Upon termination of treatment, the provider will assist me in finding another provider for continuity of care. At Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC we utilize a comprehensive treatment plan. This means that we may consult your current health care providers in order to provide a thorough treatment plan. At times, it is necessary to make referrals to other providers such as substance abuse treatment, medication evaluation or testing, etc.

If I have any questions regarding this consent form or about the services offered by the providers of Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC, and its associates, I may discuss them with my providers. I have read and understood the above. I consent to participate in the evaluation and treatment offered to me by Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC, and its associates, and I understand I can stop treatment at any time.

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: _____________________________


RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT: ________________________


I hereby give consent for Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC, and their business associates (such as, but not limited to the medical billing company, EHR vendor, collection agency, automated appointment reminder vendor, dictation service, and electronic prescription vendor) to use and disclose protected health information about me to carry out treatment, payment, and health care operations. You can ask for a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices provided by Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC, which describes such uses and disclosure in detail.

I have the right to review the Notice of Privacy Practices prior to signing this consent. Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC reserves the right to revise its Notice of Privacy practices at any time. A revised Notice of Privacy Practices may be obtained by forwarding a written request to the privacy officer at 12234 Shadow Creek Parkway STE 4104 Pearland TX, 77584. You can also pick up a copy in our office.

With this consent, Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC may communicate to me in reference to any items that assist the practice in carrying out TPO, such as, but not limited to appointment reminders, billing statements, insurance issues and any message pertaining to my clinical care including lab results, among others by use of phone calls to my home, mobile or other alternative location and speak or leave a message, text message, email, postal delivery and or by Patient Portal. By signing this form, I am consenting to allow Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC to use and disclose my PHI to carry out to TPO.

I may revoke my consent in writing except to the extent that the practice has already made disclosures in reliance upon my prior consent. If I do not sign this consent, or later revoke it, Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC may decline to provide treatment to me. I understand and agree with all the preceding information unless otherwise indicated in writing.

I agree and accept the terms of all these documents.

PATIENT NAME_________________________




PATIENT NAME: _________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH: ___/________/________

I understand that the purpose of this release is to assist with my treatment by improving communication between professional service providers or agencies and the important individual(s) in my life. To further this goal, I authorize Texas Behavioral Health, PLLC and its associates to release and receive the below-specified information regarding me/the client to the individual(s) listed below, and to receive information from them. I have been informed of the risks to privacy and limitations on confidentiality of the use of electronic means of information transfer, and I accept these.

All patient information is to be disclosed except for items written below, these items will NOT be disclosed:

This information is to be disclosed to these persons, who have the indicated relationship to me/the patient:

Name of person: __________________________     Relationship:

Name of person: ____________________________   Relationship:

Name of person: _____________________________ Relationship:

I understand that I may revoke this release at any time, except to the extent that it has already been acted upon. This release will expire upon my discharge from treatment.

 Patient Signature: _________________________________________

Signature of parent/guardian: ________________________________

Printed name of parent/guardian: _____________________________

Date: _______________________ (Paper Intake, n.d.).


Berge, P. I. (2019). Informed consent for medical or surgical treatment. The Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting30(1), 1–12.

Johnson, K., & Vanderhoef, D. (2020). Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Review and resource manual. (4th ed.). Nursing Knowledge Center, Silver Spring. MD.

Kadam, R. A. (2017). Informed consent process: A step further towards making it meaningful. Perspectives in Clinical Research8(3), 107–112.

Paper Intake. (n.d.). Texas behavioral. http://www.texasbehavioral.com/forclients/paperintake

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