week 14 EBP

Purpose of the project: This project description will include: information on the Purpose of the project, Background, EBP Model, Proposed Change, Outcomes and Evaluation Plan

Background: EBP Model That I will be using for this project is the IOWA Model

Proposed Change

It is a known fact that “individuals with intellectual disability frequently have significant, social and healthcare needs” (Arora, S. et al, 2020). The proposed plan of change is to be able to identify the health needs for individuals with developmental challenges which was one of the aims of the research. The proposed change is to reduce frequent hospitalization when the healthcare needs of these patient population is identified. This is achieved after the data collected from the questionnaire is analyzed using both the individual and the caregiver’s view points and experiences.


Evaluation Plan: After chosen the participant, I will use the tool to determine their diagnosis, and also compare and contrast how their frequent visit to the hospital has affected their access to healthcare. For the participants in this study, their developmental delay may vary on different levels and they may have different needs depending on the severity of their conditions. According to Velasques, 2017, “Depending on the degree of physical and mental function, the disabled adult may require additional years of care and supervision (Velasquez, D. 2017).” They will be grouped into different levels based on housing, healthcare access and using this framework to focus on their healthcare needs including both mental and physical health which will aid in pointing out factors that can reduce hospitalization and readmission. Therefore, focusing on the healthcare needs of these patient population, which includes both mental, physical health and  effective care coordination has shown to reduce hospitalization and readmission.

                                        Dissemination Plan

The dissemination plan will include anticipated involvement, any risk involved to those participants, procedures if any to minimize the risk, information about the confidentiality of their responses to the questionnaire and consent for participation. Individuals or families of individuals who decides to participate will have to return the forms to Regis Institutional Review Board Chair: Dr. Margaret Oot-Hayes, PhD, RN 781-768-716ato, margaret.oot-hayes@college.edu

                                Informed Consent

Once the informed consent form is received, the participant involved will be replied with an email, or  a letter based on their preferred method of communication. The response will include a log in identification, participant number and instructions on how to create a new password for first time users. This would help us to know if the participant would prefer online questionnaire or one on one.  If the participant chooses online and log on for the online survey, the project and its aim and objectives will be explained again. In addition, the participants will need to indicate that they understand the purpose, risk and benefit of the study before consenting to participate.

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