Recruiting participants for EBP

Week 8

Written by ooo, Entitled: Health needs for adults with developmental challenges

Sampling Method, Sample, and Setting

Sampling method. In this study, the participants will be recruited by criterion purposive sampling by their doctors/nurses based on their diagnosis with any developmental disability at any hospital and emergency room in Boston MA.

Sample. Inclusion criteria are the following: (1) Diagnosis with one or more developmental disability (2) Parent of a child with developmental disability; (3) Participant will be within the age of 4 and above.

Volunteers will not be eligible for this study if they: (1) do not have developmental disability or have never been diagnosed with a mental health disability (2) if the volunteer is currently residing in a long-term care facility.

The sample size will be about 120 participants. This study tends to rely on a very large sample. Since there is more than one guiding principle for selecting the sample: all participants or family must have experienced the phenomenon and must be able to express what it’s like to have lived the experience. Data will be collected until the sample size is accomplished.

Setting. The proposed setting for this study is mainly at hospitals in Boston which includes Tuft Medical center, Boston Medical Center, Brigham’s and women, Children Hospital, and Mass general Hospital. Boston medical center is a teaching and research Hospital. The hospital offers the highest level of diagnostic and treatment services, with mental health Nurse practitioner, neurologists and other specialists being very experienced in treating patient with mental health issues.

Informed consent and ethical considerations

Before enrolling participants in this study, an informed consent must be signed and approved by the Institutional Review Board. This will be obtained from the (DDS) Department of Developmental Services and Regis College as well. An application and proposal will be sent to the IRB for approval. Since the study has minimal risk to the subjects, an expedited review will be requested (Polit & Beck, 2012). Though There may be risk that the participant may have; such as feelings of discomfort while discussing their personal experiences of taking care of a child with developmental disability.

There are no foreseen ethical issues involved in this research study. The questionnaire will be held in locked files in the office. The results of the interviews will remain confidential, but will be available to the researcher, in order to protect the participants. All participants involved in the study will be clarified of the purpose of the study, the research process, and research results in order to ensure that participants understood the informed consent to participate in the study.


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