The total fat in one egg is about 5 grams. The egg contains about 212 mg of cholesterol, and of the 5 g of total fat, 1.5 g comes from sat fat, 3.5 g…

The total fat in one egg is about 5 grams. The egg contains about 212 mg of cholesterol, and of the 5 g of total fat, 1.5 g comes from sat fat, 3.5 g comes from unsat fat, and 0 g come from trans fat. Five grams of vegetable shortening provides the same total fat (5 grams). The shortening contains zero mg of cholesterol, and of the 5 grams of total fat, about 1.5 gram comes from sat fat, 2.5 g come from unsat fat, and 1 g comes from trans fat. Assuming you process cholesterol normally, which is more likely to have a negative effect on your blood cholesterol and heart health: the egg or the vegetable shortening? Explain.

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