Your final project will be to create a Requirements Definition Statement together with all supporting documentation. Your topic is about being career ready. Remember the RDS is the final document in Analysis. Remember analysis asks the question what must the system do. Another way to say the same thing what must be achieved by the system. The RDS does not tell us how we are going to do something. That is the province of Design which answers those questions. Make certain every part of your document achieves this goal.
To Start out this Project, You Need to Research What it Means to Be Career Ready
For this project you are expected to do your own research on what it means to be career ready. I will be grading you in part for how you define the concept and assess the factors necessary to be career ready. To help you I am providing the following resources to get you started.
Start by Watching this Video. (Note It is about 45 minutes long)Links to an external site.
To learn more about being career ready look here LinkLinks to an external site.
What Employers Think of Student’s Career Readiness LinkLinks to an external site.
Are Grads Prepared for Work? LinkLinks to an external site.
You should have at least 5 other sources in your resource list in your final deliverable
Template to use for Your RDS
A template of a RDS is contained here : Semester Requirments Definition Template-2.doc Download Semester Requirments Definition Template-2.doc
This is a rough guide to use. I give you leeway to change elements with my consent
The task is to get a job upon graduation. You will determine all of the requirements that must be met in order to successfully get that elusive job. This will not only include the job you want but what you must do to get that job. Today that is called being Career Ready. I will be looking for the following things in your project
- You will create a Requirements Definition Statement together with the supporting documentation.
- Your submission should look professionally done.
- This document will contain a title page and an index.
- In the RDS you will have a properly defined scope statement
- The statement should in detail spell out the job you want(Cybersecurity Analyst), the expected pay, the location in the US you want to work and other pertinent facts about the job you seek
- You will research what it means to be career ready. You should have at a minimum 5 new articles on this topic different from the articles I am providing you in this and the linked units to this assignment.
- You will research what knowledge , skills and abilities you need for the job you have chosen(Cybersecurity Analyst).
- You will list as a section in your RDS how you obtained your information and what information you obtained.
- You will list all of the Functional and Information Requirements you must achieve in order to get that job
- While this should include your graduation with a degree, it should include the type of courses you need, certificates you should get, the grades you must achieve as well as the skills you need to develop outside the classroom.
- You will demonstrate your ability to use the following requirements gathering techniques
- Interviews (4 required) I suggest one is with Career Services
- You should submit a copy of the questions asked and a summary or transcript of your interviews
- Only one interview can be with a student. Your interviews should be with people who can help you with the deliverable of this project. They should be able to help you answer the questions like what is Career ready or what should I do to become career ready or what do you look for in hires
- Questionnaire completed (This does not have to be submitted to anyone but it should relate to what you would ask to someone about the things a student would have to do to get a job upon graduation)
- You will benchmark yourself to what other students similar to you are doing and use that to set your goals
- You should have at least 3 benchmarks subjects
- You should include the documentation that shows the subject and your analysis of the information including your conclusion
- Flow Chart of the process you must follow to get a job
- Gannt Chart of the process you will take to get a job
- Interaction Diagram of how you prepare your self to be career ready
- Use Case on the functionality Handshake (The tool in Career Services)
- You should consider doing a series of these use cases on this topic starting with the overview and drilling down
- Interviews (4 required) I suggest one is with Career Services