
As we discussed in class, your paper is on the same topic as your survey. By researching your topic, you’ll learn what work has been done on this topic at other locations, and maybe we’ll see as a class how your findings relate to other people’s work, which may allow you to generalize. Here’s what I want.

Research. I want you to find at least three references. You may have more. Here are the rules.

A. At least one reference must be from a peer-reviewed journal. Be prepared–you may have to do a lot of digging for this one, and I think you’re going to need help from a reference librarian. The two of you may have to be creative. Don’t settle for your first hit. Find something you can understand, if possible, otherwise you’re going to have trouble reporting on it.

B. No more than two of your three references can be from non-peer reviewed sources. Sources should be reputable–no paid advertisement sites. Do your best to find a source that has references, and use those references, not the original webpage you found.

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