
Please read carefully (You can make it read like a story) Your plagiarism score must be less than 50 . . .

Instructions for extra credit (fifty points per blanks minus penalties. i.e. -1 = minus fifty points):

Type a one or more page essay using only (and of course your original research) the following information. Notice that most of the blanked out names include both the first name and last name while others have only the middle name and last name blanked out. Some other blanks only need the last name to complete the assignment. To earn full credit, five points per blank, each name is to be type in bold font and underlined. If all of the names are correct, then you will earn eight out of ten points only if you have a title (-1 if not there), original introduction (-2 if not there), body (-2 if not there), and original summary (-2 if not there). The last two blanks, two out of ten points, may need one or two words per blank to complete the answer.

___________ of _____ (460-377 B.C.), The Healer, noted that chewing leaves of willow (Salix) reduced pain, and he prescribed this remedy for women in labor. The Healer certainly did not discover this drug, which was used for centuries earlier in European folk medicine. Ancient Egyptians took an infusion of dried myrtle leaves to treat muscle pain. The myrtle leaves were also found to contain salicylic acid.

Two Italians, ___________ and _________, had in fact already obtained salicin in 1826, but in a highly impure form

_________ ____________, professor of pharmacy at the University/> of Munich/>/>, isolated a tiny amount of bitter tasting yellow, needle-like crystals, which he called salicin (1828)

________ ____________ had improved the salicin extraction procedure to obtain about 30g from 1.5kg of bark (1829)

An additional source of salicylic acid was found in 1835 by the German chemist Karl ________ ___________. This new wonder pain killer was found in Meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria), a wild flowering plant that grows on riverbanks over much of Europe/>

_________ ________ [an Italian chemist] then working at the Sorbonne in Paris/>/>, split salicin into a sugar and an aromatic component (salicylaldehyde) and converted the latter, by hydrolysis and oxidation, to an acid of crystallised colourless needles, which he named salicylic acid.” (1838)

The problem was that salicylic acid was tough on stomachs and a means of ‘buffering’ the compound was searched for. The first person to do so was a French chemist named Charles ___________ ____________. In 1853, this man neutralized salicylic acid by buffering it with sodium (sodium salicylate) and acetyl chloride, creating acetylsalicylic acid.

In I897, _____________ ______________ invented acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) for Bayer – a new formulation of salicylic acid which did not have the unpleasant side effects of its predecessor. The person in charge of Bayer’s testing laboratories shelved this new drug for two reasons. Initial tests on ASA were not encouraging. Secondly, Bayer was far more interested in this man’s other discovery, diacetylmorphine, a drug Bayer wanted to use in cough medicines.

The “A” in aspirin is short for __________, and the “SPIR” is short for ________________. “IN” is a chemical ending for some medicines.


The final essay must have a title, a paragraph for the original introduction, at least one paragraph or more in the body, and one paragraph for the original summary. Each of the names must be in bold and underlined when requested (as a blank). The final essay should be in your own words, but you must include all of the names requested in the article below. If your plagiarism checker score is above 50%, please redo or loss an extra -200 points.

All of the following are considered plagiarism:

  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (“fair use” rules)

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