
This assignment will help you to organize some of the educational content you have been learning in your program.It will serve as a foundation for a later assignment in ECED 469 that you’ll take during your student teaching (so keep a copy to refer to later).

Your personal statement can capture key beliefs that you feel best represent your philosophy of education in 1-2 pages. Your reading reflections and citations can support your own philosophy.This may also demonstrate “deep responses/reflections” (see rubric).

Use the following questions to help you develop your personal statement:

  • Why do I want to become an early childhood educator? Why is it an important career?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of a good teacher?
  • What are my beliefs about how children learn?
  • What is my view of the role of the family and community in teaching?
  • What theorists or philosophies of education support my ideas?
  • What are my beliefs about the role of:
    • Observation
    • Use of standards (RIELDS, CCSS, etc.)
    • How do these teaching tools inform my classroom practice?

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