Individual professional practice document

  • State: Massachusetts
  • Using the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website select the state(s) you expect to practice in as an APRN and click on the link for the state Nurse Practice Act. This document is located on each State Board of Nursing and will identify the regulations for the NP scope of practice for that state. 
  • Using the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website feature, click on the state(s) you expect to practice in as an APRN and access the nurse practice act for that state. Review the information related to the state’s physician collaboration/supervision requirements, if applicable. Do not address prescriptive practices in this assignment. You are addressing the regulations related to practice in the advanced role. .
  • Provide information related to the qualification and licensing for APRN s and include the hyperlink to where you located this information.
  • Identify the NP qualification requirements (do not address prescriptive authority yet) for the state(s) in which you plan to practice as an APRN, which is accessible by clicking on the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website.
  • Identify the APRN licensing requirements for the state you intend to practice. Strive to create this as a summary and add a hyperlink for future reference, if available.

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Individual professional practice document

  • Using the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website select the state(s) you expect to practice in as an APRN and click on the link for the state Nurse Practice Act. This document is located on each State Board of Nursing and will identify the regulations for the NP scope of practice for that state. In addition,
  • Using the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website feature, click on the state(s) you expect to practice in as an APRN and access the nurse practice act for that state. Review the information related to the state’s physician collaboration/supervision requirements, if applicable. Do not address prescriptive practices in this assignment. You are addressing the regulations related to practice in the advanced role.
  • Provide information related to the qualification and licensing for APRN s and include the hyperlink to where you located this information.
  • Identify the NP qualification requirements (do not address prescriptive authority yet) for the state(s) in which you plan to practice as an APRN, which is accessible by clicking on the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website
  • Identify the APRN licensing requirements for the state you intend to practice. Strive to create this as a summary and add a hyperlink for future reference, if available.

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Individual professional practice document

  • Using the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website select the state(s) you expect to practice in as an APRN and click on the link for the state Nurse Practice Act. This document is located on each State Board of Nursing and will identify the regulations for the NP scope of practice for that state. In addition, 
  • Using the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website feature, click on the state(s) you expect to practice in as an APRN and access the nurse practice act for that state. Review the information related to the state’s physician collaboration/supervision requirements, if applicable. Do not address prescriptive practices in this assignment. You are addressing the regulations related to practice in the advanced role. 
  • Provide information related to the qualification and licensing for APRN s and include the hyperlink to where you located this information. 
  • Identify the NP qualification requirements (do not address prescriptive authority yet) for the state(s) in which you plan to practice as an APRN, which is accessible by clicking on the Nurse-Practitioner-Qualification Website
  • Identify the APRN licensing requirements for the state you intend to practice. Strive to create this as a summary and add a hyperlink for future reference, if available.

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