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Which identity is your true identity? | Emma Gannon | TEDxHull (Links to an external site.)Which identity is your true identity? | Emma Gannon | TEDxHull

For this week, I chose a Ted Talk delivered by Emma Gannon. Gannon is a writer and is widely known for being the “spokesperson of this generation” (Emma’s Website authors). In this Ted talk she focuses on the different identities we a people take on depending if we are interacting in the real or virtual world. Gannon sets the mood of the room when she begins to describe the growing phenomenon of gaming; how lately, it’s been recognized as a type of addition that should be treated by medical professionals. She then elaborates how common it could be for a regular person to want to spend more time online than in the real world; whether it be Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. It can be easy for people to prefer to stay at home on their devices than to go out with a friend, or how it can be easy to have an online relationship than a real one.

Gannon emphasizes the reason why so many people are addicted to their screens and it is because it is rewarding; it makes you feel good about yourself, it is easy and fun. Spending an afternoon online gaming can be rewarding with each level you advance. Receiving a ‘like’ or a positive comment on a social media post can make you feel good about your self esteem. Gannon points out how people create this new identity when they are online. She elaborates to say how people have multiple identities depending where and who they are hanging out with. Gannon brings home the point that our virtual self should should be a testimony of our real self, and that they should not be two completely different people.

This video is related to this week’s discussion because it deals with different identities people seem to start having when they are on social media because the goal is to represent the best version of ourselves. The video is similar to the article for this week’s module, “The Value of Our Digital Identity”. Both bring home the point that we should be careful about who we become when we are online, and that people should not judge other for the small version they choose to represent themselves online.

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