
Paper on Ben White – Israeli Apartheid_ A Beginner’s Guide ( please read my detailed instructions in files!!!)

  • Specifically, discuss your understanding of the Israeli occupation,
  • how it came about in the context of the creation of the state of Israel and the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  • What was your understanding of this conflict/occupation prior to reading this book?
  • How does the account in this book contrast with mainstream and media accounts of this topic in the United States?
  • How might you relate this topic more broadly to global inequalities?
  • Very importantly,how is this case study of Israeli colonialism linked to the topics we have been covering in this course?(I already attached my course PPT and readings in file.)
  • Make sure that your discussion is analytical, rather than merely describing the reading, and that it links the reading to the topics of the course.
    1. Your assignments should have strong, coherent thesis statementsat the beginning of the paper. The thesis statement should be specific and clear. It should tie together the different points you will address in the paper.

    2. Description is necessary, but not sufficient. You are advised to include a brief but specific summary of what you are writing about(eg, a film, a book, a website)that introduces the features on which your analytical arguments will focus. There is relevant and irrelevant information about your topic of discussion (e.g, a film); make sure that the information you include in your summary is relevant to
    a) explain the overall premiseof what you are discussing in relation to
    the course and
    b)ground your analytical argument.
    DO NOT let description and summaries dominate your paper!

    3. Instead, the bulk of your papers should be comprised of a serious analysisof the particular topic in relation to the course. Here you will want to employ the terms, concepts, theories, and insights garnered from the course in your analysis.

    a. What insights into globalization does the film, or website, or reading reflect?
    b. What concepts or terms doe the it illustrate, and how?
    4. Citationsshould always include the author’s last name, year of publication, AND PAGE NUMBER.
    5. Please use 12 point, Times New Roman font, and 1” margins,4-FULL PAGES, Double-spaced

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