
1. Students must read the survey paper on SDN entitled; “A Survey on Software-

Defined Networking” which is uploaded on the Drive.

2. Each Student will choose an advanced topic in SDN application, from the table VI in

page 44 (a screenshot is shown down where you can find 8 topics are identified)

3. Using the references shown in every topic, student must prepare the following:

  • An 1500 – 2000 word essay that answers the following points:
  • a) What is the problem in those references?

    b) How dose SDN approaches address the problem? How

    c) Compare the SDN approach to normal approach

    d) Compare the different approaches in the references and present the

    comparison in a table

    e) Write the conclusions

  • A power point presentation of 10 minutes to summarize the findings
  • I choose attack detection, the references No. 71, 188
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