Define the axial age and tell why it is so important in the history of religion?

Assignment #8: M5 The Axial Age – Submit Files

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Why is the axial age so important in the history of religion?

Define the axial age and tell why it is so important in the history of religion? How is religion different after the axial age from before?

Your answer should be between 150 and 300 words. Assignment must be typed in MS Word, where you can check grammar and spelling. After completing your assignment in Word, save the document, then click on “Add a File” button to attach the file and submit your assignment. Keep in mind that only one file is allowed per submission, and only one submission is allowed.

Final Paper – Submit Files

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Submission Folder Final PaperInstructions

Write a five page paper, double space, on any topic covered in this course or related to the study of religion. The paper will be graded for both content and spelling and grammar. Establish a thesis paragraph (what you want to say) and then present intelligent arguments, using material that was covered in the course.  Again, there is no right or wrong answers. Your paper can be pro- or anti- religion, as long as it is coherent and well written.

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