
The aim of this course is to help you develop a more sophisticated perspective of how culture plays a role in health care. Through this course, your definition of culture and its impact on your practice should have developed and matured. To finish, please synthesize the content of NU 716. Recall that the title of the course is “Culture and Health: Perspectives.” Consider the different perspectives on culture, health disparities, and nursing you have been exposed to throughout the course. These perspectives have been presented through assigned readings, presentations, and videos and in online discussions. Describe how these different perspectives, melded together, have influenced your unique perspective on culture and health. Also, in your posting, describe how you can apply your perspective to a potential scholarly practice project in nursing education, clinical practice, and/or leadership.

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Respond in 1000 words with some scholarly references. Use citations, site your work and add references.

How is our knowledge about personality a product of Western Culture?  That is, can we apply our personality theory to the rest of the world?

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