
Revise the paper based on the instructions…keep the same.topic, but it needs to more about interviewing a group of people on the topic and what happened during that discussion


Assignment 2:

There are four topics covered in this section. You are to host a discussion with five other people (for a total of 6 participants) for at least 1 hour no more than 2 hours, on one of the four topics.

You are the moderator.

1. Develop your list of talking points from the chapter.

2. Record the key points made within the discussion.

3. Summarize the discussion, without identifying the persons, but raise their points.

4. Compare and contrast their points with your point of view on at least five points raised during the gathering.

5. Use the vocabulary words within your summary.

This paper should be at least two (2) pages. Include a cover page. Follow guidelines for submitting a high quality paper.

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