Assignment- Synthesis Matrix Document for Literature Review

For this weeks assignment you do an extensive search of the literature in regards to your PICO question.  You will identify 5-10 articles that are no older than 5 years that you would include in a literature review of your topic.  Please be sure to include only primary sources.  Also please be sure to include only articles that relate specifically to your topic.  For example if you are interested in preventing falls by utilizing bed alarms, you would not include information about falls and medications as this is not related to your specific topic.

Print and/or save all of the articles you intent to include in your Literature Review.  You will be working with these articles throughout the semester.

After you do an exhaustive review of the literature you will fill in the Synthesis Matrix Form and upload it.  Please complete the following sections of the Synthesis Matrix Form:

Article Citation – Include authors, date of articles, title, Journal etc (use APA format)

Participant Number

Was the hypothesis clear

Overall Comments – Write a paragraph or two on each article, be sure to give an overview of the research and the findings.  Include the findings, the outcome, anything you think was missing or should have been studied further. How this applies to your topic and the areas that may need further research.


PICO question ; In  Individuals from minority or underserved communities (P), does  access to healthcare services I), compared to inability to access healthcare services (C), reduce health disparities?



Olfson, M., Zuvekas, S. H., McClellan, C., Wall, M. M., Hankerson, S. H., & Blanco, C. (2023). Racial-ethnic disparities in outpatient mental health care in the United States. Psychiatric Services74(7), 674–683. 


Volpe, V. V., Thomas Tobin, C. S., Bernard, D. L., Muhigaba, P. B., & Ross, J. M. (2024). Necessary, burdensome, or threatening? Awareness of black-white disparities in healthcare access and self-rated health for black and White Americans. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. .


You can add some references