
HY 1120 UnitI Assesment (VSZC)


Wounded Knee

Homestead Act

Social Darwinism

Dawes Act

Jim Crow

Whiskey Ring

Crop-lien system

Freedmen’s Bureau

Enforcement Acts

Manifest Destiny


Location of 1890 battle in South Dakota where the massacre of 150 to 300 Native Americans ended the Indian Wars


Segregation policies that impoverished generations of African Americans


Allowed any head of household or individual over the age of 21 to receive a parcel of 160 acres for only a nominal filing fee


Permitted the federal government to divide the lands of any tribe and grant grazing land


Term coined by magazine editor John O’Sullivan in 1845; implies divine encouragement and right for territorial expansion


A theory devised by Herbert Spencer, which argued that the most fit and capable enjoyed the greatest success


Created to ease the transition of African Americans from slavery to freedom; directed that leases and titles to lands in the South be made available to former slaves


The agreement of extending credit to farmers under the agreement that the debtors would pay with a portion of their future harvest


Outlawed intimidation at the polls and gave the federal government the power to prosecute crimes against freed people in federal courts


Including figures like Orville Babcock, a reference to those in the Grant Administration involved in taking money from bribed goods


Discuss the explosive economic, territorial, and scientific growth and reform that occurred in post-Civil War America. How did the growth contribute to the development of the United States as the leading industrial economy in the world by 1890?

Your response must be 200 words in length.



Twain’s Gilded Age has been characterized as a period of excess: excessive political corruption, wealth accumulation, expansion of railroad and mining interests, racial segregation, and haphazard urbanization. Contrast this to the Progressive Era and the desire to create a more orderly and fairer society. Did the Progressives achieve their goals of reigning in the robber barons, bringing order to the chaos of urbanization, curbing the power of corporations, and eliminating the excesses of the westward expansion in the area of resource exploitation?

Your response should be 300 words.

History Unit VII Discussion Board Question (SZC)

Many believe that Eli Whitney’s cotton gin can be blamed for the extension of slavery in America. In this case, how did the growth of technology have an effect on American culture, and do you see the same thing happening in today’s society?

I have to comment on my classmates discussion board question:(SZC)

Eli Whitney created the cotton gin machine. It was a machine that separated the cotton seeds from the fiber. When he created the machine slavery in America was slowly beginning to decrease. The machine was able to do what the slaves were able to but much faster. Due to this, the number of slaves was not declining on the plantation because the farmers needed the slaves to pick the cotton. Cotton growing became so profitable that there was a demand for slaves. Although slaves were free labor, they still had to be fed and taken care of. The price of slaves and land was growing and inhibiting the growth of the cities. The cotton gin did fuel other inventions. The machines that would spin and weave the cotton and also the need for steamboats to transport. America was growing most of the supply and shipping it to others who then would manufacture the cotton into cloth. Today with all the major technology in the world many jobs are depleting. Computers are able to a lot more things, but at the same time, we still do need people to run those computers and there are some jobs that computers just cannot replace (i.e. social workers, nurses, doctors, etc); just like the plantation needed the slaves to pick the cotton.

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