week 14 Continuity of education

Continuing Education Plan: Psychopharmacology


Psychopharmacology involves studying how medicinal drugs impact patients’ moods, thinking, perceptions, and also, their behavior (Joshi et al., 2020). Psychopharmacology professionals are referred to as Psychopharmacologists, and their occupation requires them to be able to comprehend and apply all clinically related principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; whereby, pharmacokinetics involve the human body’s response to medication, while pharmacodynamics refers to medicinal impacts in the body (Lee et al., 2020). At the same time, they can diagnose and treat mental disorders (Joshi et al., 2020). Anyone who wants to be a Psychopharmacologist has to have learning goals. In this case, learning goals require Psychopharmacology students to prepare themselves to apply critical thinking, analytical skills, acquire scientific knowledge, interpret scientific data, synthesize scientific information, and demonstrate scientific knowledge (Samartizis & Talias, 2019). This paper is about continuing education plans on Psychopharmacology.

Psychopharmacology Learning Goals

Psychopharmacology is important to the community because it not only covers psychology but also enables a psychopharmacologist to understand medicinal impacts and human body responses to medicinal drugs (Lee et al., 2020). One of the health concerns that can be resolved by Psychopharmacology is mental health (Samartizis & Talias, 2019). This is a condition that affects the social well-being of an individual and can be triggered by stress among other causes (Niu et al., 2020). I would like to be part of the solution to the community by helping to treat mental health patients, and for this reason, my learning goals are; acquire and understand scientific knowledge on mental health, to focus on my strengths so that I can specialize in mental health, and engage myself in multiple volunteer work programs on mental health so that I can learn from experience. 

Psychopharmacology Learning Plan

A learning plan describes how a person intends to achieve their learning goals and their desired outcomes (Valverde-Berrocoso et al., 2020). It is important to have a learning plan because it helps to clarify and keep track of the learning progress. A good learning plan should be efficient and well-organized (Valverde-Berrocoso et al., 2020). Since my psychopharmacology classes will take two years, below is my learning plan; a program that I intend to principally follow so that I can be able to realize my psychopharmacologist goal.  

Psychopharmacology learning plan 

Title of Lesson             Duration (2 Years)


Purpose (why the course is suitable)

To acquire scientific mental health knowledge so that I can be able to help patients with mental health problems.

Learning Outcome (what will the student be able to do by end of the lesson) Period (2 Years)

To become a qualified, certified and a practicing Mental health Nurse practitioner. 

Bridge in (student attention)

To be attentive and cooperative in class work, group work, participate in research, and limit extra-curricular activities so that I can put more time in studying and researching on mental health and how to solve related issues. 

2 Year period input from student (content, concepts, values, actions and examples)

1)     Research & pose frequently asked questions on mental health.

2)     Be actively participating in class work.

3)     Join student groups or clubs that are interested in mental health so that I can learn more on the condition.

4)     Research and read journals on mental health.

5)     Watch mental health oriented documentaries so that I can understand how professional psychopharmacologists handle real mental health issues.

6)     Participate in mental health volunteer programs so that I can gain experience on handling mental health issues.

2 Year period guided practice (knowledge application, class activities, field activities and problem solving)


1)     Participate in field practicums.

2)     Develop and write evidence based research articles and journals on mental health cases.

3)     Take part in class demonstration practical programs so that I can begin to practice psychopharmacology and get to understand what it feels like to be a professional psychopharmacolgist.

4)     Make sure that I complete all assignments as assigned by my professor.   




Future plans for continuing education

After completing my psychopharmacology class, I will enroll for a doctorate degree while focusing on psychopharmacology. I will also consider studying a degree in medicine so that I can be able to conduct more research on mental health medicines. 













Joshi, G., Wilens, T., Firmin, E. S., Hoskova, B., & Biederman, J. (2020, December 21st).                            Pharmacotherapy of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in individuals with autism                      spectrum disorder: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of                                       Psychopharmacology. (203-210)                                                                                    Lee, K., Jeong, G., & Yim, J. (2020, November 3rd). Consideration of the Psychological and                    Mental Health of the Elderly during COVID-19: A Theoretical Review. International                        Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 8098 (1-11)                         Niu, Z., Hu, L., Jeong, D. C., Brickman, J., & Stapleton, J. L. (2020, October 28th). An                               Experimental Investigation into Promoting Mental Health Service Use on Social Media:            Effects of Source and Comments. International Journal of Environmental Research and         Public Health. 17, 7898 (1-13)                                                                               Samartzis, L., & Talias, M. A. (2019, December 30th). Assessing and Improving the Quality in                    Mental Health Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public              Health. 17, 249 (1-31)                                                                                                                                                          Valverde-Berrocoso, J., Garrido-Arroyo, M. D. C., Burgos-Videla, C., & Morales-Cevallos , M.              B. (2020, June 24th). Trends in Educational Research about e-Learning: A Systematic          Literature Review (2009–2018). Sustainability Journal. 12, 5153  (1-23)                                                         








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