week 12 response to initial post

For the initial discussion post, we would like for you to imagine yourself as the provider. Explore the resources, read the case scenario and please respond to the questions. Cite 2-3 references.


You are working at an outpatient clinic for adolescents and children. Your first patient of the day is a 12-year-old boy, Joe, who presents to the clinic with his mother. His mother is anxious and distraught and states Joe has been exhibiting signs of increased energy without the need for sleep, and also reports that he has been extremely irritable. His mother also notes Joe has been talking rapidly and often changes topics quickly, which is not normal for him. His mom states that her friend’s child is also “having trouble” and was started on Prozac, and is wondering if this might be a helpful treatment for Joe. As the provider you are concerned about a first episode of mania or hypomania and a possible bipolar diagnosis.


Please answer 1-2 of the following questions to show how you would 


appropriately care for the patient, and educate the parent.

1. How would you sensitively explain a possible bipolar diagnosis to Joe’s mother in “layman’s terms?


3. After confirming a bipolar diagnosis, what pharmacological treatments would you recommend? How would you address her questions about starting Joe on fluoxetine?

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