week 10 addiction

Addiction: compulsive behaviors

Vulnerable patient populations (all age groups):

risk takers, experimenters, impulsiveness, genetics, childhood trauma, socially isolated or outcasted









Adolescent (Ok to type “same as child” if appropriate)





Notable differences from adults (if applicable)


Description of the Disorder in Pediatric Populations

Addictive Behaviors commonly seen early childhood

·       Internet and Gaming

·       Electronic Devices

Signs and symptoms (Nationwide Children’s, 2020):

·       Screen time > 20 hrs. week

·       Poor school performance

·       Faking illness to skip school or other activities

·       Argumentative and Self Isolating

·       Changes in Eating or Sleeping

·       Changes in vision or Red eyes (Blue light exposure)

·       Feelings of loneliness

·       Peer relationship strain

·       Bullying (Victim or aggressor)

·       Changes in Weight

·       Loss of interest in Sport, Social activities or Playing outside

·       Self-harming behaviors


Substance Abuse Addictions commonly seen in Adolescent

·       Prescription Medications, OTCs

·       Street Drugs (Opioids, Marijuana, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Synthetic club Drugs such as Ecstasy, Molly)

·       Alcohol

·       Nicotine (Vaping, cigarettes, Hookah, oral tobacco)

·       Chemical Inhalants 

·       Internet learned homemade substances

Other addictions:

·       Same as child with increased usage of social media

·       Gambling

·       Shopping or Shoplifting

·       Sex

Signs and symptoms (same as child along with below):

·       Unusual odors of new substances

·       Skipping class/Dropping out of school

·       Running away

·       Lose employment

·       Drug paraphernalia

·       Changes in friends, musical interest or peers

·       Increased risk-taking behaviors

·       Law enforcement interactions

·       Avoidable or intoxication related accidents

·       Physical illnesses such as acute pancreatitis, abscess and endocarditis (NICE, 2019)

·       Track marks from IV drug use

·       Change in mood, perception, cognition, and psychomotor performance (Buksein, 2020)

-According to Domino (2020), gambling is common among children and adolescents, senior citizens may also have an increased risk.

-Chronic physical manifestations of substance use is present more in adults due to adolescents’ earlier stage of development, and shorter duration of substance use.

-Adults have a longer duration of use in which to develop chronic health effects.

-Adults have more opportunities to use substances regularly without the interference of family or school

-Adults have increased financial means with which to purchase alcohol while adolescents cannot legally do so (Bukstein, 2020).

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