
1- Select two competing multinational companies. They should be comparable or competitors (e.g. Apple vs. Samsung).

2- Each company/organization should be well-known and have many employees and consumers.
3- Examine each company’s website and analyze it; highlight its strength and weakness, and do a critical appraisal.
4- Focus on:
A- Media relations, particularly their presence and some of their activities on social media;
B- Consumer relations
C- Community relations
5- Compare and contrast the two companies’ online PR presence and activities on social media. Which one in your opinion is more effective?

6- If you were the PR advisor for these companies/organizations, which recommendation will you give to make their online presence more effective?

7- Your paper should not be less than 10 pages long (including a printout of the homepages of the two companies); and should be well-thought and well-written.

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