Tissue Integrity Case Study

Hello, Please complete this case study assignment. See attached assignment’s two questions. Each question needs to answer in 200 words minimum and must provide a reference (s) for this assignment.

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Tissue integrity case study

Tissue Integrity Case Study

Started: Feb 16 at 2:21pm

Quiz Instructions

Case Study


Marcy is working in a nursing home, and caring for Mrs. Fields, who fell and broke her left hip last week.  Mrs. Fields returned to the facility from the hospital after undergoing a hip replacement.  


Please answer the following questions pertaining to this Case Study.


1.     What guidelines will Marcy follow, to prevent impaired skin integrity?

2.     Write one measurable goal for Mrs. Fields.  



Please answer the following questions pertaining to this Case Study.





Each question is worth 2 points and will be graded with the following rubric.

EXCELLENT = 2 points

ACCEPTABLE = 1 point

POOR = 0 points

Clear, direct & concise. Writing free of grammatical & spelling errors.

Few grammatical and/or spelling errors. Clear & concise writing.

Numerous grammatical and/or spelling errors. Confusing content.



XCELLENT = 2 points


ACCEPTABLE = 1 point


POOR = 0 points

Clear, direct & concise. Writing free of grammatical & spelling errors.

Few grammatical and/or spelling errors. Clear & concise writing.

Numerous grammatical and/or spelling errors. Confusing content.

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