Three characteristics of a good leader

Bellow is my rough draft. I must update it and fulfill the standards. satisfy the word counts, use the correct APA style, and reference a page. Many thanks



Expository Essay Topic: Three characteristics of a good leader.

Essay Title: The characteristics that make effective leaders are integrity, charisma, and communication.

I.Introduction: (Begin with a hook sentence to capture your audience’s attention, then provide a brief background of the topic and end with your thesis statement.)

a.Hook: A good leader has the responsibility to inspire others to achieve and that is why it takes a special person with specific characteristics to be a good leader.

b.Additional background information: It is especially important that a leader has good characteristics. Whether you are leading a family, corporation, or a class, you must know how to guide your followers to move in the same direction toward a goal. That is when communication comes in handy, to be able to pass on a clear message.

c.Mapped Thesis statement (review Topic 3 DQ1 for feedback from instructor): The characteristics that make effective leaders are integrity, charisma, and communication.




Three characteristics of a good leader[DM1]

(This space is required to be between your title & name)

Fendy Huggins

Grand Canyon University

UNV 104: University Success 104

           Andrew McBroom









Title missing here

Depending on whoever you [DM2]ask, leadership can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways. People can develop the traits they already have or learn new ones they may see in others. Leadership is a trait that is constantly evolving. [DM3]There is general agreement among people that effective leaders have specific traits that set them apart from their contemporaries. Integrity, charisma, and communication are three traits that researchers have found to be present in a successful leader.[DM4]

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The word “communication[DM5]” comes to mind when discussing a successful leader. Accurate and effective communication is a crucial part of developing into a great manager or leader. To succeed professionally managers, need to be efficient, effective communicators[DM6]. It’s critical for managers and their staff to learn effective communication skills because it will not only help groups in effectively completing their assignments, but also make it possible for businesses to flourish and expand. According to Subanci journal (2016), communication is crucial to an organization’s success since it fosters social connection. The exchange and sharing of information between two or more people ease effective communication. When the recipient understands and finds meaning in the message provided by the sender, communication has been successful. Furthermore[DM7], a leader’s ability for communication affects how well they employ their resources to carry out their plans, make wise choices, and add value. Additionally, it has been said that a leader must have excellent communication skills because it is important to manage and lead people (Zulch, 2014[DM8]).

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Another factor that contributes to a positive and productive work environment is the presence of leaders who act with integrity[DM9]. Leaders with integrity are honest, trustworthy, and dependable. Leaders with integrity live up to their words and own up to their mistakes, rather than hiding them, blaming their team, or making excuses. Leaders who embrace the moral person perspective value integrity and are honest, caring, and fair. The moral manager is a type of leader who actively manages morality. It refers to a leader’s efforts to influence and guide subordinates’ ethical behavior, such as communicating ethical standards and disciplining unethical employees. The readiness of a subordinate to accept vulnerability based on a leader’s intentions may be described as trust in the leader (Schoorman et al., 2007). [DM10]An atmosphere where employees are actively involved in their job will result from an increase in trust, which also involves the open interchange of knowledge, ideas, and information[DM11].

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Charisma is a quality that a successful leader should also possess. For instance, [DM12]charismatic leaders may establish a strong sense of commitment, trust, and happiness in others and motivate them to perform at a greater level. As a result, in comparison to fewer charismatic leaders, they are typically seen by their subordinates as being more effective. The winning combination of charm, enthusiasm, and persuasiveness is known as charisma, and while leaders may be effective without it, having it can be a big advantage.  It may not always be advantageous. Although it is a great trait to have, both advantages and disadvantages of charisma exist.  It is frequently difficult to resist a charismatic leader, thus they could convince you to commit the most horrible things[DM13].

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[DM14]leadership is the capacity to persuade people to desire to work toward the group’s goals, which emphasizes the value of leadership[DM15]. It serves as a conduit between employees and the organization’s views and future ambitions. It is trying to coordinate worker activities in order to meet the established goals. exercise command over the task and create the required strategies to address issues. the instruction, care, and motivation of persons as well as their personal growth. The capacity to promote personal growth, humanitarianism, and practical[DM16]














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Sutiyatno. S. (2022). The effect of leadership’s communication ability on quality of work-life and employees job satisfaction. International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management.

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Amos S. Engelbrecht, Gardielle Heine, & Bright Mahembe. (2017). Integrity, ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. missing content


Charisma and Leadership in Organizations. (1993[DM18]). Personnel Psychology, 46 






[DM1]Title was too high on the page

[DM2]Your & my leadership cannot be addressed in this document. [DM2][DM2][DM2]Please consider starting your document with research or data versus opinions.


[DM3]You will want to have around 125-150 words in the introduction to meet the word count and maximize the grading rubric.



[DM5]This is quoted but not cited. This is also not the subtopic focus.

[DM6][DM6]Please consider starting this subtopic with your research versus your ideas about the subtopic.

[DM7][DM7]Please avoid conversational phrases in academic work.


[DM8]This is a good start to the paragraph. Keep in mind each of the paragraphs in the body of the document should be around 150-175 words to meet the overall word count. Ideally, data points, research studies, or other statistics will help support your academic claims from the research.


Please consider an additional peer-reviewed source from the library with data to support this subtopic.

[DM9][DM9]Please consider starting this subtopic with your research versus your ideas about the subtopic.


[DM10]Why does your research come at the end of the paragraph?

I am looking for greater depth of content about your subtopic in this paragraph, support by peer-reviewed research. Ideally, data points, research studies, or other statistics will help support your academic claims from the research. Keep in mind each of the paragraphs in the body of the document should be at least 150-175 words to meet the overall word count.


Please consider an additional peer-reviewed source from the library with data to support this subtopic.

[DM12][DM12]Please avoid conversational phrases in academic work.

[DM13]I am looking for greater depth of content about your subtopic in this paragraph, support by peer-reviewed research. Ideally, data points, research studies, or other statistics will help support your academic claims from the research. Keep in mind each of the paragraphs in the body of the document should be at least 150-175 words to meet the overall word count.

Please consider an additional peer-reviewed source from the library with data to support this subtopic.

[DM14]This is redundant with paragraph labels.

[DM15]This does not appear to resemble the thesis statement. Please see the sample in the DQ forums or Announcements.

[DM16]This assignment was prescribed to be an expository essay; but much of the content reads like a personal or persuasive essay. Keep in mind that an expository essay will stick to the facts.


You will want to have around 125-150 words in the conclusion to meet the word count and maximize the grading rubric.


This document does not meet the minimum word count requirements.  The assignment calls for 750-1000 words.


[DM17][DM17]These were not correctly formatted.  Please use the following formula when building your own references or use the cite element within the library to build the reference for you.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), xxx-xxx. doi:xxxxxx


Here are some great video tutorials to understand references:


Be sure to change the text to black or text 1 after you have transferred the data from the Library.


[DM18]Please try to keep your research current to the past 5-10 years.


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