

With that out of the way, let’s look at next week’s paper. This paper will be slightly different from the previous ones in that we are now moving into directed textual analysis. In other words, we are finally going to read myths. For the remainder of the course, we will be using a method called “Definition analysis.” This is a pretty straight forward model that asks that you use one text (Campbell) to supply a definition that you apply to a primary text (Leeming), and then you explain how the example meets the definition. That explanation part is key because this is where you will be doing the actually analysis (analysis is just explaining why you chose the passages you did). So, you just follow this pattern: Definition (Campbell)—Example (Leeming)—Explanation (you).

So, this week asks that you consider the first stage of the Hero’s journey, Departure. So, your outline would look like so:

Introduction: What are you writing about? (Departure). How does Campbell define it? (Use a direct quote and then explain it in your own words). Now, explain that there are subcategories to the departure (Campbell covers 5 in his chapter. You need only to pick 2-3). So, let’s say I pick “refusal of the call” and “Belly of the Whale.” My thesis would be: Campbell identifies refusal of the call and Belly of the Whale as being key sub-categories to the Hero’s departure.

Part 1: Refusal of the Call

Definition: How does Campbell define it? (Quote). Then explain in your own words what that means.

Example: Use an example from Leeming (Quote). Be sure to explain what story the quote is coming from and provide some context for the selection.

Explanation: How does this example from Leeming illustrate Campbell’s concept?

Part 2: Belly of the Whale

Definition: How does Campbell define it? (Quote). Then explain in your own words what that means.

Example: Use an example from Leeming (Quote). Be sure to explain what story the quote is coming from and provide some context for the selection.

Explanation: How does this example from Leeming illustrate Campbell’s concept?

Part 3: Summation: This is more akin to what we have been doing. Pull back and take a moment to consider how the themes of departure and the subcategories relate to “real life”? Keep in mind that both Jung and Campbell sat that myths gain their significance when we understand how they give us road maps to maturity. So, consider that, here, based on your analysis above.

Part 4: Conclusion: You know how to do that.

I will be grading your papers based on your ability to work with the texts while using this format. Just follow the outline and you will do fine.

Make sure you are using the readings for the assignment and meeting the requirements of the assignment.

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