
Part 1: The Formation of In-groups” and Bodenhausen and Richeson’s “Prejudice…” As you read the articles, carefully annotate and complete the attached annotation sheet for each reading.


Part 2:

For this discussion, please answer the questions below:

  1. In his chapter, Allport introduces us to the concept of in-groups and outgroups. Define what Allport means by in-groups and outgroups. Use at least one of Allport’s examples to support your definition. (Reflect on your Pre-Reading answers/work and your annotation of Allport.)
  2. What was your in-group growing up? What is your in-group now? Has it changed?
  3. What is Allport’s main argument in this chapter? What are at least three different examples he uses to support his argument?
  4. Describe at least two specific examples ofin-group/outgroup in the movie Zootopia? Are they successful or not in illustrating Allport’s concepts?
  5. What is Bodenhausen and Richeson’s main argument? What are at least three different examples they use to support their argument?
  6. Describe at least two specific examples of bias as outlined by Bodenhausen and Richeson in the movie Zootopia? (Connect concrete example from Zootopia to concrete example in Bodenhausen and Richardson.)
  7. Describe at least two specific examples of unconscious prejudice and stereotyping as outlined by Bodenhausen and Richeson in the movie Zootopia? (Connect concrete example from Zootopia to concrete example in Bodenhausen and Richardson.)
  8. Do you agree or disagree with Allport? Do you agree or disagree with Bodenhausen and Richeson? Why or why not? (Be specific in your answers.)
  9. What AHA moment or what was your big takeaway from both of these texts?


To receive the full credit, you must submit your answers on time. Please respond in full sentences and be as detailed as possible. Your answer to each question should be a minimum of about 300 words.

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