
What does the term IMViC mean?


Review Sheet Week 7

Exercise 24.1


  1. What does the term IMViC mean?
  2. Why is the IMViC useful in identifying
  1. Enterobacteriaceae? Are further biochemical tests necessary for complete identification?
  2. What diagnostic test differentiates
  3. ProteusandProvidenciaspecies from otherEnterobacteriaceae?
  4. How is
  5. E. colidistinguished fromP. vulgarison MacConkey agar? On a TSI slant?
  6. Instead of TSI, why would a slant medium containing only dextrose and lactose (not sucrose) be preferable for detecting
  7. Y. enterocolitica?
  8. What procedures, other than biochemical, are used to identify microorganisms?
  9. What is the purpose of the control test run in parallel with bacterial agglutination?
  10. What is the value of serological identification of a microorganism as compared with culture identification?
  11. Describe two mechanisms by which
  12. E. colican produce disease.
  13. What is meant by the term “enteric pathogen”?
  14. Name a bacterial pathogen, other than one of the Enterobacteriaceae, that causes intestinal disease. Provide a flowchart indicating how you would make the laboratory diagnosis.
  15. Why is it important to differentiate glucose nonfermenters from
  16. Enterobacteriaceae?

Page 1 of 1 From

Laboratory Manual & Workbook in Microbiology Applications to Patient Care (9th ed.). By Josephine A. Morello, Helen Eckel Mizer, and Paul A. Granato Copyright Š 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

What approach would you use to isolate only cells that contain this new structure?


For each of the SLP assignments, you will be provided with a
hypothetical experimental scenario or data. These assignments are more
opened-ended than the case assignments. You will speculate about
possible explanations and the ways they might be tested, but be sure to
that your hypotheses are grounded in accepted biological science. In
doing this, you will mimic the action of scientists who are continuously
collecting new data, formulating hypotheses, and testing their ideas.

In a newly-explored deep-sea environment, several potentially new
species of apparent bacteria have been discovered. In some of these
single-celled life forms, a novel structure has been observed. The
structure is apparently bound to the interior surface of the cell
membrane and so does not float freely in the cytosol. Preliminary
investigation indicates that this structure typically appears circular
or ovoid in shape. It apparently consists of a long chain of nucleic
acid wrapped around a tube of an unknown protein.

What approach would you use to isolate only cells that contain this
new structure? What techniques could be used to characterize the
structure and composition of the structure? How might you identify the
type of protein and nucleic acid? What would you hypothesize to be the
function of this structure? To what eukaryotic organelle might this
structure be analogous and why?

Genetic control of phenotypic characters and linkage analysis between seven traits in Pisum Sativum L.


need help doing the report about Genetic control of phenotypic
characters and linkage analysis between seven traits in Pisum Sativum L.

Template of Generic Report is also attached.Another details of Report-1,2,3 are also attached. (Supported Docs)

All Results are also attached. Just you have to use it in the report.
I send to
you example for this report to give you idea about the report and
statistical graphs fromanotherstudent. You can get the idea from this
also—Generic Report Another student attached. This can be helpful.

Data also attached.
I send you somereferencesalso they can be helpful.

Please read the templateall details in this.I send you all the filesto use it in report. The references also which you can use it just in introduction and discussion.

thank you and best regards.

discuss the various biological roles of amino acids


These need to be answered before this monday 2nd of feb. its for my year 12 biology holiday homework.i
1. Explain how the isomeric structure of a carbohydrate may affect its chemical behaviour.

2. Explain breifly how compound sugars are formed and broken down

3. name the type of fatty acid found in lipids that form the folowing at room temp.–solid fats—-oils.

4.relate the structure of phospholipids to their chemical properties and their function role in cellular membranes

5. distinguish between staturated and unsaturated fats.

6. Explain how the type of fatty acid present in a neutral fat or phospholipid is related to that molecules propeties.

7. Suggest how the cell membrane structure of an Arctic fish might differ from tropic fish.

8. explain how fats can provide an animal with _______insulation—-water

9. discuss the various biological roles of amino acids.

10Explain how the chemistry of amino acids enables them to act as buffers in biological tissue.

Describe the process by which amino acids are joined together and broken down

Discuss the different phyla of algae


Discuss the different phyla of algae. What are their similar and differing characteristics? Explain the concept of alternation of generations and why it is important to the life cycle of algae.
Explain the life cycle of a moss in detail. What stage is haploid? What stage is diploid? How are spores formed? Begin the cycle with 2 gametophytes, one male and one female.
What is co-evolution? What are some examples of co-evolution that you can think of? What evidence is there to support the theory of co-evolution?
Explain each of the organs and tissues of a plant structure. How is water transported through the plant? How do plants collect sunlight and carbon dioxide? How have some plants evolved to better suit their environment?
Discuss the effects of the hormone auxin on the different structures of plants. What is phototropism? What is gravitopism?

Explain the digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems of a fish


Compare the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems of Porifera, Cnidaria, and Platyhelminthes.
Each mollusk has a foot, head, visceral mass, and a mantle. Describe the anatomy of a mollusk. Explain how the different systems function. How do the systems differ between some of the classes of mollusks?
Describe in detail the life stages of arthropods. Outline incomplete and full metamorphosis. Which insects undergo a complete metamorphosis? Which undergo incomplete metamorphosis?
How does a starfish move? Describe their hydraulic system of movement in detail.
Explain the digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems of a fish. What organs do they have?
Explain the five characteristics that have helped reptiles adapt to life on land. What about birds? Discuss how birds’ circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, skeletal, and excretory systems support the avian way of life.
What two characteristics do mammals have that differentiate them from all other vertebrates?
Explain the lymphatic and endocrine systems in detail. What do they consist of? What role do they play?
Save your work and submit to the dropbox as Module 6 Assignment.

Describe what happens to the degree of diversity as you go down the classification structure developed by Carolus Linnaeus.


Describe what happens to the degree of diversity as you go down the classification structure developed by Carolus Linnaeus. Start with the Kingdom level and work down to the Species level. Research a specific example or use one from the lesson.
Explain how it is possible for living things today to possess some of the same organic material as a dinosaur. Discuss the energy pyramid using examples to illustrate your knowledge.
What is a symbiotic relationship? Define the different types of symbiotic relationships, giving examples of each.
What do you know about viruses? Explain what a virus is. Describe how they infect an organism. How do they reproduce? Explain the lytic and the lysogenic cycles. How do our bodies fight viruses?
Explain the three different methods different species of fungi use to reproduce. Explain how each process works in detail.

Explain, in detail, the structure of DNA.


Explain, in detail, the structure of DNA. Describe the double helix structure, the bonds, the bases, etc. Use the description of a ladder to help you explain each part and how they fit together.
What is the difference between DNA and RNA? Discuss the process of transcription. Begin with the DNA ladder having two sides and end with the mRNA separating from the DNA.
What is translation? Explain the steps of translation starting with the mRNA and ending with protein synthesis.
What is meiosis? Explain in detail the stages of meiosis? Why is meiosis important?
What is a sex-linked trait? Give an example to and explain how sex-linked traits work. What is the difference between a sex-linked trait and a sex-influenced trait? Discuss at least two autosomal genetic disorders. What are the characteristics of the diseases? How they are inherited?

Define and describe the phases of mitosis.


Identify eight different organelles of a cell. Discuss what function they each perform for the cell/organism. Be sure to discuss the differences between plant and animal cells.
Define and describe the phases of mitosis.
Define diffusion and osmosis. Discuss in detail the steps of each process. Be sure to examine the different factors that affect the rate of diffusion. Compare active and passive transport.
Examine cellular respiration. Identify the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Include a description of glycolysis.
Discuss the process of photosynthesis. Be specific about what occurs within the plant during each stage. What is produced during photosynthesis? What is the relationship between plants and animals in regards to photosynthesis?

State and describe three (3) different functions of macrophages in the body’s defense against a bacterial or viral infection.


4 Short Answer (2-3 Sentences), 6 Short Essays (3-6 sentences). File called Part B.docx has questions. The rest are attached sources of information that may be used but don’t have to be.

Document Preview:

Part B. Short Answer (5 points each)
Answer the questions below as completely and as thoroughly as possible and where appropriate include a specific example to illustrate. Answer the questions using complete sentences. Cite outside sources of information. (2-3 Sentences)
21. An electron micrograph of a cell shows a rigid cell wall, a cytoplasmic membrane, a nonmembrane bound nuclear area, and no endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria. Explain why the cell is or is not each of the following: a human T cell, a virus, a bacterial cell, a yeast cell.
22. The genome of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is comprised entirely of RNA. Describe the process by which HIV is able to insert its RNA genome into the host cell’s DNA and form a provirus.
23. State and describe three (3) different functions of macrophages in the body’s defense against a bacterial or viral infection.
24. Read the following Science Daily article and answer the questions.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) (12 April 2012). Possible connection between air pollution and tuberculosis susceptibility. ScienceDaily. Retrieved 05 May 2013 from
a. What was the purpose of Dr. Schwander’s experiments?
b. What were the independent and dependent variables?
c. What were the results of the experiments?
d. Did the studies demonstrate a connection between exposure to air pollution and the development of tuberculosis? Why or why not?
Part C. Short Essay (10 points each)
Answer the questions below as completely and as thoroughly as possible and where appropriate include a specific example to illustrated. Answer the question in essay form (not as an outline or as bullets) using complete sentences. You may use diagrams to supplement your answers, but a diagram alone without appropriate discussion will not be adequate for full credit. (3-6 sentences)