SWOT Analysis

  • Week 15 Assignment 1: SWOT Analysis
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  • NU-668-03-23PCFA
  • Week 15: SWOT Analysis Part 2, and Technology Competencies
  • Week 15 Assignment 1: SWOT Analysis
  • Completion requirements
  • To do: Make a submission
  • Due:Sunday, 10 December 2023, 11:55 PM
  • Value:100 points—This assignment is worth 5% of the total grade.
  • Due:Day 7
  • Grading Category:Assignments
  • Instructions
  • Using the information from the Week 14 Assignment 1: Aligning Clinical Issues to QSEN competency table that you submitted in Week 14, begin to organize this information on the SWOT Analysis Table (Word). You can refer to How to do a SWOT analysis [with examples]as needed. Please incorporate peer and faculty feedback from Week 14’s discussion board and assignment.
  • Submit your completed SWOT analysis table for this assignment. Make sure that there are at least three references at the end of your table.
  • Review the following two examples for guidance in your own assignment:
  • Example 1 SWOT (PDF)
  • Example 2 SWOT (PDF)
  • Please refer to the Grading Rubricfor details on how this activity will be graded.
  • For this assignment to be considered complete, you must complete the SWOT analysis table based on your identified problem, taking into account feedback from fellow classmates and your faculty. You must include at least three references and submit the assignment no later than Day 7. Remember that this assignment is complete at 100 points, so make sure you review all requirements and complete the assignment in its entirety. If the assignment is not complete, it is considered incomplete and will result in a 0.



I will email the doc and the example given by the instructor as a guideline for this assignment

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SWOT analysis

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Question 2

It is necessary for managers to complete a SWOT analysis. It stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis is one of the most used tools by leaders, and with good reasons. Managers need to have it because it is a simple but useful framework for analyzing the organization’s strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. It can help a manager build on what the company does well, address things that lack, minimize risk, and take the highest possible advantage of opportunities for success. Strengths and weaknesses are internal in the company- things that a manager can control and change. SWOT analysis can help the manager to handle the team, the patents, and intellectual property. When used correctly, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats give a basis for effective strategic planning.

A manager can also use SWOT analysis as a framework to evaluate his/her company’s competitive position and come up with strategic planning. A SWOT analysis evaluates internal and external factors, in addition to present and future potential. It can help a manager to preciously identify the areas where the company is already succeeding and those the company needs to improve. The manager can use the information gathered to make actual changes to the business or organization by SWOT analysis (Gürel, 10). The most significant parts of SWOT analysis are Coming up with conclusions from the four SWOT category concerning the business’s general situation and interpreting these conclusions into deliberate actions to improve and match the business’s strategy to its strong resource points and market openings, to correct the significance.

Works Cited

Gürel, Emet, and Merba Tat. “SWOT analysis: a theoretical review.” Journal of International Social Research 10.51 (2017).

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SWOT Analysis (1-2 pages in length): Each student will perform a “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats” (SWOT) analysis that is relevant to their Comprehensive Community Assessment (CCA). Your SWOT analysis should be based on the data collected and analysis of your Comprehensive Community Assessment project.

More information can be found by clicking this link


Links to an external site. about a SWOT Analysis


Length: 1-2 pages; the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats can be listed as bullet points, or in a table as depicted in the example in the link to the Community Tool Box.

As you perform your SWOT, consider the following relevant to your health indicator and county or country:



  • Examine what is already in place, what is being done
  • Existing resources / programs / public policies
  • Supportive factors such as access, affordability, etc.
  • Protective services



  • Gaps both in care options and access to care options
  • Barriers
  • Risk Factors



  • Outreach
  • Access
  • Public Policy
  • Education and training



  • Obstacles
  • Sensitivity of topic
  • Political considerations/factors
  • Economic considerations/factors


Recommendations and Health Promotion Plan (2-3 pages in length):

  1. Develop two recommendations that are within the scope of a public health nurse that may improve the health of the population in the community.
  2. Develop a health promotion plan based on one of your recommendations. Give the plan a title. In your plan include:
    • The goal of the plan.
    • Two specific, measurable objectives.
    • Two interventions (one for each objective) for the population that integrates cultural considerations. Identify resources needed for each of your identified interventions. (These interventions may use existing resources or may require the development of new resources.)
    • Members of the interprofessional team and community services that will assist in implementation.
    • A method for evaluating each intervention.

Support the health promotion plan/project with evidence-based research and practices.


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Data initiation and planning are essential components and a critical aspect of project management. This week, you will assess the PICO statement of your proposed project using a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis will be included in your final ADDIE paper. Next, you will explore the importance of stakeholders in your project planning.

Initial Post

  • Outline a SWOT analysis of your proposed project using the SWOT Analysis Template and post.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your SWOT analysis in project planning and initiation. Gürel, E., & Tat, M. (2017) outline advantages and disadvantages of a SWOT analysis.
  • Discuss the importance of stakeholders in project initiation and planning. Garcia-Día (2019) outlines the importance of stakeholders in Chapter 4.

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SWOT Analysis   

SWOT Analysis

Strengths – internal factors that leverage organizational performance

Weaknesses – internal factors that will affect the health care organization (cost, quality, etc.)

Opportunities – external factors that improve initiatives for the organization

Threats – external factors that could negatively affect organizational performance

The SWOT analysis should match the organization’s resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. The analysis should help guide the organization’s formulation and selection of strategy. The SWOT analysis framework is often represented in a 2 x 2 matrix. (See template below.)


Using the health care companies selected in Week 1, create a slide presentation with no more than 12 slides (with bullets) and note pages that include the following (Note: Use the bullets below to help you structure your presentation):

 The first slides should introduce your companies and why you chose them.

 Include your completed SWOT diagrams (one for each company).

 Include a comparison of each company’s SWOT.

 Identify a minimum of three factors that affect each firm’s environment. You must include the internal and external environments (e.g., resources, market, competitors, geographical, global) in each factor. Rate the top two concerns, based on your professional experience.

 Assess and provide recommendations that will:

1. enhance the strengths,

2. minimize the weaknesses,

3. maximize the opportunities, and

4. overcome the threats.


What is a SWOT analysis? The SWOT is an organizational performance tool used to conduct a

situation analysis. The acronym SWOT stands for the following factors:

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company and

can be directly managed by it, while opportunities and threats are external (meaning the

company can only anticipate and react to them).

HSA525 – Assignment 1: SWOT Analysis

 Assume you are meeting with your internal or external stakeholders. Create a Stakeholders Recommendation in which you:

 Summarize your SWOT analysis to the stakeholder selected.

 Provide short-term recommendations.

 Include two or more references to support your rationale.

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