Sustainability Initiative Summary

Select a health care setting and organization on which you will focus for your sustainability initiative.  ( NURSING HOME)


Analyze the setting and organization you have selected and break it down to the main departments, employee roles, operating activities, and so on. While doing so, brainstorm opportunities to reduce costs or eliminate waste while improving patient care or outcomes. 


Review the list of sustainable initiatives from the list below, and select one that you want to promote for your selected organization: (Energy efficiency)


Identify data sources you might need to collect and analyze for your initiative. Consider contacting people in the industry and in your organization who may be able to help.


Write a  700-word summary of the sustainability initiative you want to promote at the health care setting you selected. Your proposal should:

  • 1. Create a clear vision or mission statement that defines the scope of the initiative and would generate buy-in.
  • 2. Define what outcomes you expect to achieve over time.
  • 3. Be specific with what you can realistically deliver.



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