
The fourth and last draft section of your Research Proposal to complete this semester is the Significance of the Research section. It can also be considered the Conclusion section (especially since discussing the significance of the proposed research study is always a strong way to conclude a Research Proposal). It is due on Sunday, November 20th by 11:55 pm, along with the draft of your Data Analysis section. Please be sure to read the brief required online article by Patrick Regoniel, “Two Tips on How to Write the Significance of a Study” before you begin this assignment. The Significance of the Research section for a Research Proposal should be about one to two pages, double-spaced and typed. Please provide the section with the heading titled, Significance of the Research, or, Conclusion.


The Significance of the Research Section for this assignment must include the following three subsections and content to be considered for full credit:

1. Significance of the Proposed Research to the Field [one to two paragraphs] Please be sure to restate your research question or statement of the problem one last time and focus on the following: How is your specific statement of the problem interesting, different from current literature, original, or worthy? Does it “fill a gap” in the literature or push ideas in the literature forward somehow? What might your proposed study demonstrate, and how might this change things for how people think about your topic/the subjects involved in the study/or how to do things differently in the world? Please provide two possible examples with details. It is ok to provide informed detailed speculation and to restate/rephrase some things you may have already said in the Introduction/Literature Review section.

2. Significance of the Proposed Research to the General Public [one to two paragraphs] How might your proposed study contribute to general society? Might it introduce a new variable or framing of the question for consideration about humans or the environment? Might it change public opinion about something? Might it inform new understanding, practices or policies on a large-scale? Please provide two possible examples with details. Again, it is ok to provide informed detailed speculation and to restate/rephrase some things you may have already said in the Introduction/Literature Review section.

3. Significance of the Proposed Research to Project Participants and/or Their Communities [one to two paragraphs] How might your proposed study contribute to the lives of your project participants or the communities of which they are a part? Might it inform new understanding, practices or policies for that specific group or community? Please provide two possible examples with details. Again, it is ok to provide informed detailed speculation.

And as always, please remember: You can always post questions about this assignment to the “Questions for the Professor” thread on our Blackboard course Discussion Board or email the professor at: Also, please be sure to be reading the professor’s feedback on your RCR for Week 14 assignment, as there will be helpful feedback and clarifications there that will help you draft this section of your Research Proposal.

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The major focus of this week’s Paper will be the Significance section. Review page 282 of Moran, Burson & Conrad (2020) that outlines the elements to be included in the significance expanding on the introduction. According to Moran Burson and Conrad (2020) “Why is it important for this work to be completed? What are the problems that have been identified, and what are the implications? Why should the reader be interested in this topic?” (p.282). The significance sections provide the reader with an understanding of the problem and where the problem is occurring. (Moran et al., 2020).



Remember my topic is on COPD……….


In the significance section you will address the importance of the identified problem to nursing practice, research, education, leadership and/or administration. Please briefly describe how implementation of your scholarly practice project may impact nursing practice. You will want to provide the reader why your topic is significant in regards to nursing practice, research, education, leadership and/or administration. Therefore you will have four paragraphs, one for nursing practice, one for research, one for education and one for leadership /administration. Each with a scholarly article to support.



  • Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2020). The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for success (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.



Please write more on the significance to

 nursing practice



leadership and/administration











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