Rotating Disk. As a result of friction in the axel, the angular speed of a disk shape wheel with a mass of 1kg and a 20 cm radius changes with time…

Rotating Disk.

As a result of friction in the axel, the angular speed of a disk shape wheel with a mass of 1kg and a 20 cm radius changes with time according to  where ω0 and  are constants. The angular speed changes from 120 rad/s at t = 0 to 20 rad/s at t = 20 s.

a.       Use this information to determine  and 0.

b.      Determine the magnitude of the angular acceleration as a function of t.

c.       Determine number of revolutions the wheel makes before reaching an angular velocity equal to 0.1 ω0

d.      The equation for the torque done by friction as a function of time on the wheel.

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