
Hi, this class is about dispute resolution & conflict. This assignment is a role-play case study. My group is assigned to play the role of the “Federal DCR Negotiator”. I have attached two documents as follows:

1. The general instructions for the Harbor case (that all students in class are receiving);

2. My role-specific information for the “Federal DCR Negotiator”. (for my group)

Please read those documents first.

In Federal DCR Negotiator document, you can find that as a Federal DCR Negotiator, we have 5 issues to concern: Federal loan(DCR);Ecological Impact; Compensation to other ports; Industry Mix;and Employment distribution.

I’m assigned to work on Federal loan(DCR) issue, which is most important part. $1 billian loan is our first choice. $2 billion loan is acceptable. No more than 2 billion loans. We DO want the port to be built, but the problem is how to negotiate with Harboro company and other parties to achieve our goal that chooses $1 billion loans.

Please write down some speech notes or points for the role play. What can I say to make sure others follow our choice that chooses $1 or no more than $2 billion loan? And do some forecasts about the negotiation.

Thank you so much.

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