
Write a 5 to 10 pages business profile of an inspiring CEO or Entrepreneur. You must select, which person you want to write about from the list below.

The structure of such paper is to provide a short biography of this CEO or entrepreneur and explains what s/he has done you think is inspiring and how her or his achievement has impacted the way to do business.
As any research paper, even those doing intellectual history, you must provide a reference list and cite your sources.

List of Entrepreneurs/CEOs (no specific order):
(1) Sam Walton
(2) Charles (and David) Koch
(3) Peter Thiel
(4) Jeff Bezos
(5) Steve Jobs
(6) Bill Gates
(7) George Soros
(8) Ariana Huffington
(9) Oprah Winfrey
(10)Sara Blakely
(11)Cher Wang
(12)John D. Rockefeller
(13)Elizabeth Pape
(14)Elon Musk

(15)Warren Buffet

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