Refletive assignment


This Reflective Practice Assignment consists of six components. Consider these elements:

1.      Mindful attention to the situation and background of the client issue or situation.

2.      What was done to support the client emotionally? Give an honest and truthful assessment of your interactions

3.      Discuss any preceptor coaching or decision making interventions that were made. Examine all options that were considered.

4.      Was there a practice change or “ah-ha” moment?

5.      Did this event change the outcome for the client and will it change the way you view this client?

6.      Discuss the evidence (literature) that supports this change and how do you intend to incorporate what you have learned into your practice?

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Refletive assignment


This Reflective Practice Assignment consists of six components. Consider these elements:

1.      Mindful attention to the situation and background of the client issue or situation.

2.      What was done to support the client emotionally? Give an honest and truthful assessment of your interactions

3.      Discuss any preceptor coaching or decision making interventions that were made. Examine all options that were considered.

4.      Was there a practice change or “ah-ha” moment?

5.      Did this event change the outcome for the client and will it change the way you view this client?

6.      Discuss the evidence (literature) that supports this change and how do you intend to incorporate what you have learned into your practice?

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