
Reflection Paper based on these two ideas

  • Performance Management: A roadmap for developing, implementing and evaluating performance management systems” – Performance management can be challenging in even the best organizations. It is a highly personal and often threatening process for both managers and employees. Yet effective performance management is an essential tool for maximizing your company’s talent. This report provides research-based guidelines for implementing a successful performance management system in your organization.
  • Building a High-Performance Culture: A Fresh Look at Performance Management” -Decades of research and practice have been devoted to understanding and improving performance management in organizations. Yet the traditional performance review process continues to be painful and ineffective for both managers and employees. For many companies, the focus on improving formal systems has not achieved the desired results. In fact, research shows that what truly increases employee performance and engagement is not annual reviews, but the day-to-day process of managers communicating expectations, providing feedback, and leveraging employee talents. It’s time for a fresh look at performance management.

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