
Please read Just Mercy chapters 10 – Epilogue.Please reflect on the prompts below and record your reactions, thoughts or feelings in a video journal. You MUST complete ALL prompts.

Video should be 8-10 mins long

1. Please google “mitigation in criminal law” and explain this concept to me. What is a time in

your life when you have considered “mitigating factors” before rendering a judgement on a


2. Please briefly describe Avery Jenkins

3. Please watch the following piece about the “Men of Atalissa”

Please compare and contrast the life circumstances of Avery Jenkins and the men of Atalissa

4. Please google “Malingering”. Please define malingering. George Daniel was diagnosed with

malingering. Please agree or disagree with this diagnosis and offer evidence from the text to

support your argument.

4. Please describe Marsha Colbey.

5. How does Marsha Colbey connect with Andrea Yates?

6. Please watch the following clip about infant mortality in the United States.

How does infant mortality crisis in US intersect with Marsha Colbey?

7. Bryan is given an award and invited to speak in Sweden. Please read this short article about

the Scandinavian prison system where Sweden is located.

In this article a former US correctional officer, James Conway, visits a Scandinavian prison.

A. Please compare and contrast US prisons to Scandinavian prisons.

B. Please pick one of James Conway’s quotes from the article, agree or disagree and

tell me why?

8. Please describe what eventually happens to Walter McMillian. Under what circumstances

does Walter say the following, “They done put me back on death row.”

9. “But our brokenness is also the source of our common humanity, the basis for our shared search for comfort meaning, and healing. Our shared vulnerability and imperfection nurtures and sustains our capacity for compassion.”

A. What does Bryan mean by this quote?

B. What does this quote mean for you?

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