Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Discuss why this is important in your practice and with patient interactions.

Please use references within the last five years. 


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Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Discuss why this is important in your practice and with patient interactions.


 Reply answer to a student about the topic,Need 3 paragraph no reference needed

  1. 100 words each paragraph

Q1= Student talked in his answer about Neuropathic pain impact effectiveness of pregabalin.

Q2= Reply to the student about null and alternative hypothesis anything like that 

q3=Class, what is the difference between a p-value and alpha level?





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Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Discuss why this is important in your practice and with patient interactions.


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