

Part 1: Areas on the H-R diagram
For the following, locate the area on the H-R diagram (either top, bottom, left, right, or center) where you would find each type of star. You will be recording your answers on this quiz. If more than one word describes the area, for example the top right corner, select both areas.

  • Bright stars
  • Hot stars
  • Hot, Bright stars
  • Cool, Dim stars
  • Sun-like (type G main sequence stars)

Part 2: Plotting Stars
Mark/label each of the following on the H-R diagram and label it as indicated.
Please note: You will need colored pencils (blue, red, yellow) in order to receive full credit.
You will upload your finished image to this quiz. Please make sue you add steps 9 & 10 (to be completed in Part 3).

  1. A line showing the approximate location of the main sequence (no label).
  2. A blue main sequence star labeled B
  3. A red dwarf main sequence star labeled D
  4. A sun-like star labeled S
  5. A red giant the same color as D and the same brightness as B labeled G
  6. A white dwarf the same color as B and the same brightness as D labeled wd
  7. A large circle indicating the area where you find the biggest diameter stars, labeled supergiants
  8. A large circle indicating where you would find white dwarfs, labeled white dwarfs

Part 3: Getting Information from the H-R Diagram
You will be recording your answers to these questions on this quiz.

  • Stars B and G have the same brightness. Does this mean they are the same temperature? Yes or No
  • Stars D and G have the same color. Does this mean they are the same temperature? Yes or No
  • What is different about star G that allows it to be the same color as D but as bright as B? Explain.
  • How can wd be as hot as B, but so dim? Explain.
  • What will happen to wd as it continues to cool off? Why?

Now, please add the following to your diagram from Part 2:

9. Draw an arrow on the H-R diagram to show this change (of wd as it continues to cool).
10. Place four dashed lines (- – – – – – – -) on the chart to show lines of equal radius.

  • Explain how you decided what orientation the lines should go.

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