
The project interim report should be delivered at the end of the TP1. This should not normally exceed 3,500 words (about 25 pages excluding the appendix of 1½ spaced 12-point Times New Roman text). Quality is obviously more important than quantity. The interim report should contain the following sections:

  • Front Page
  • Abstract
  • Acknowledgments
  • Table of Contents
  • Problem Definition: Introduction to the project, Clear statement of the problem, what, why and how the project will be tackled, Aim, Objective
  • Literature Review: Background, review of background reading, which draws on appropriate sources, approach to be taken in attempting to solve the problem and choices should be justified by reference to the background reading, cited references.
  • Analysis: Fact finding methods for the project, appropriateness of the methods used and effectiveness of the content in these methods for the project, analysis and sampling.
  • Project Plan: The project report should give details of the project schedule, including the specification of milestones, which will lead to the solution to the problem. Activities/ tasks, resources, cost, timing should be included.

platform of Investment services in E-Government

Problem Statement and Background

Oman is an economically, politically and socially stable country in the MENA region. A country with a modern business law framework, a respect for free markets, a prime location, with a business-friendly environment and low taxes. Attracting foreign investments to the country has always been a challenge and Oman now needs a new perspective to explore alternative methods to pull in international and local funds.
Several constraints affect trade and investment in Oman.

The problem:
Obstacles exist, including clearances for visas and permits for foreign workers, lengthy business registration requirements for specialized consultancies. And Company registration can be slow and take years to finalize the registration

What will be the Proposed Solution? Brief explanation about the artefact*

• The website
Design a site that serves Omani businessmen and foreign investors to facilitate transactions and legal procedures to start their business. The process designed to gather all institutions, Ministries, legal parties in one platform with easy steps process for generating business license in a short time.
The website will be a tool to collect all required approvals from ministries and other authorized parties (The authorities are Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Royal Oman Police) to rapid the fulfilment of all business investment requests.

Any special requirements ? ( Hardware and software which is not available in MUC)*

• Website contains all the inquiries and transactions which the investors need.
• Network design
• Cloud Computing services

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