Personal self-reflection essay part 1


source from the book–Please add page number from the book — beyond inclusion, beyond empowerment: A developmental strategy to liberate everyone– 2014, ISBN 978-0-9766112-0-2 

  •  –please add some of the following terms, target, agent, survival/confusion, inclusion/awareness, confusion… etc  from the book  to connect the movie with the course material…

–source the “unrest movie”

Jennifer Brea is working on her PhD at Harvard and about to marry the love of her life when she’s struck down by a mysterious fever that leaves her bedridden. When doctors tell her “it’s all in her head,” she turns her camera on herself to document her devastating symptoms. Searching for answers, Jennifer discovers a hidden world of millions confined to their homes and bedrooms by ME, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Together, Jen and her new husband, Omar, must find a way to build a life and fight for a cure.

Release date: 2017


First, copy and paste your ADRRESSING rank chart below. Add a third column onto the end, as you see in my example

Next, spend some time thinking about how often you think about each one of the Rank categories in a typical day. This will give you an idea of what skills you use most often in your daily life. If you never think about a particular rank, and you are an agent, than you are probably using indifference skills. If you never think about a particular rank, and you are a target, then you are probably using survival skills.

List the most common skills that you use daily. Remember that the skills are holiarchal–meaning that you cannot “skip” skills sets. If you use indifference, then the next most common skill will be distancing. If you use confusion, then the next most common skill will be empowerment. If you find that you only use one skill, just list that one. Also keep in mind that we are talking about the skills used MOST OFTEN, not the skills that you do or do not have access to. For example, I think about ageism every time I visit or talk to my grandparents, and I have some awareness skills around that, but most days I do not use these skills, and instead I exercise indifference. Notice that this has little do with how I feel about ageism–I feel quite strongly that it is harmful. But I am not basing my notes on how I feel. Rather, I am observing the actions that I take most often in relation to age. In another example, I would say there are times when I have been able to use ally skills in relation to the Rank of Ethnicity, but this takes incredible skill and energy, and most days, I find myself using inclusion or awareness. Below is my example:


Rank                                Relationship to Rank      Skill  most often used in daily life

Age—————————— Agent  — — —  — Indifference              

Disability———————-  target—– ——survival/confusion

Race —————————  agent ———- Inclusion/awareness

Religious Culture———— agent ———Indifference/distancing

Ethnicity———————– agent ——- -distancing/inclusion

Social Class Culture——— agent ——–distancing/inclusion

Sexual Orientation———– target ——- confusion

Indigenous Heritage———-agent ——  inclusion/awareness

National Origin—————–agent ——  Indifference/distancing 

Gender ————————– target —–   empowerment/ strategy 


Finally, Choose TWO ADRRESSING rank categories that you would like to reflect on in detail. Write about the skills that you most often use as Target or Agent. Please give two specific examples for each skill. Fewer points will be awarded for general answers. Please also note that you must speak specifically about the ranking system, which means speaking to the ADRRESSING categories. Papers are expected to include references to course films and materials


I like Writer ID 287 (Dr. Beryl ), follow up from previous order 

Thank you 



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