Nutrition Concept map

Nutrition concept map 


Carl Bowden, a 58-year-old male was seen in his provider’s office today for treatment of a nonhealing left foot wound. He has a history of hypertension and type 1 diabetes and was admitted today to the medical-surgical unit for treatment of a left foot wound. The patient had been binge drinking when he fell and sustained the cut to his foot.


Case Study Info Carl Bowden, a 58-year-old male with a history of hypertension and type 1 diabetes, was admitted today to the medical-surgical unit for treatment of a left foot wound. The patient had been binge drinking when he fell and sustained the cut to his foot one week ago. He had been treating the wound at home but has noticed increased swelling and redness to his foot, and the wound is not healing. He has been drinking heavily for the past 6 months since he lost his job. He states “I learned my lesson when I fell, and I am going to quit drinking.” His last drink was 3 days ago, and he is beginning to show signs of alcohol withdrawal.


Mr. Bowden is married, and his wife is very supportive. His home medications are lisinopril, atenolol, Lantus insulin, and Humalog insulin





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