MC nmr J. How many different signals would you expect to see for in both a proton and also a proton decoupled 13C NMR spectrum of the following

Need help with these two questions. I am not sure how to solve them. Please help and provide the answer, thanks.

MC nmr J. How many different signals would you expect to see for in both a proton and also a proton decoupled 13C NMRspectrum of the following molecule? (remember, a proton decoupled carbon nmr means that thethe Spectrum is run in such a way that the signals are not Split, we only use this kind of carbon nmr Spectrumin this claSs) CH CH / H3C CH3 in the proton spectrum and 7 in the 13C Spectrum in the proton spectrum and 5 in the 13C Spectrum in the proton Spectrum and 4 in the 13C Spectrumin the proton Spectrum and 3 in the 13C Spectrum UOUW(993% a Question 8MCnmr5 How many signals would you expect to see in the proton-decoupled carbon nmr spectrum of the following molecule? (remember, a proton decoupled carbon nmr means that the the Spectrum iS run in such a way that the signals are not split, we only use this kind of carbon nmr spectrumin this class) 6 signals7 signals8 signals9 signals GONE”

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