
introduction/overview of the topic of proposal

Support Provided and Strategies Implemented for Second Language Acquisition to English as an Additional Language (EAL) Learners in primary schools in the UK.

The topic interests me as I used to be an EAL learner in the UK as a child and I went through the experience. I would like you to discuss what the expected contributions of the proposed research could be and state what you think the role the creative practice will be within the project.

Research questions

Literature review

Those can be helpful.

Afitska, O. (2015). Scaffolding learning: Developing materials to support the learning of science and language by non-native English-speaking students. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. 1, (1), p.75-89.

Afitska, O. and J. Clegg. (2016). Supporting Teachers in EAL Classrooms: Working Towards the Centralised Provision of Subject-Specific, EAL-Tailored Resources for Primary Classrooms. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL. 5, (1), p.95-108.

Bailey, E. and Marsden, E. (2017). Teacher’s views on recognizing and using home languages in predominantly monolingual primary schools. Language and Education. 31 (4), p. 283–306.

Bolloten, B. (2012) Equality and diversity award schemes and frameworks for schools: an overview. Race Equality Teaching. 30 (1), p1-4.

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Collier, V. P. (1987). Age and Rate of Acquisition of Second Language for Academic Purpose. TESOL Quarterly. 21, (1), p.617-641.

Collier, V. P. (1992). A Synthesis of Studies Examining Long-Term Language Minority Data onAcademicAchievement.BilingualEducationResearchJournal.16(1),p.187-212.

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Cummins, J. (1992). Language Proficiency, Bilingualism, and Academic Achievement.
In The Multicultural Classroom: Reading for Content Area Teachers. Edited by P. A. Richard- Amato and M. A. Snow. Harlow: Longman.

Cummins, J. (2000). Language, Power, and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Dakin, J. (2017). Incorporating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity into Policy and Practice: Case Studies from an English Primary School. Language and Intercultural Communication. 17 (4), p.422-436.


Demie,F.(2013). English as an Additional Language: How Long Does It Takes to Acquire English Fluency. Language and Education. 27 (1), p.1–11.

Demie, F. (2018).English language proficiency and attainment of EAL (English as second language) pupils in England. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 1, (1). DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2017.1420658.

Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). (2008). New arrivals excellence programme CPD modules. Nottingham: DCSF Publications.

Department for Education (DfE). (2012). A brief summary of government policy in relation to EAL learners. Retrieved from:… mmary_of_Government_policy_for_EAL_Learners.pdf

Department for Education (DfE). (2012). School funding reform: arrangements for 2013-2014. London: Department for Education. Retrieved from: 4arrangements.pdf

Department for Education (DfE). (2013.) Schools, pupils, and their characteristics. SFR 21/2013. London: Department for Education.

Department of Children, Schools & Families (DCSF). (2009). Narrowing the gaps – The national perspective. Paper presented by Mary Clifton, at Narrowing the Gap for Minority Ethnic Pupils Conference, March 22.

DES. (1971) The Education of Immigrants: Education Survey 13. London: HMSO.
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Mehmedbegovic, D (2011). A study in attitudes to minority languages in England and Wales. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Mistry, M. and Sood, K. (2012). Raising Standards for Pupils Who Have English as an Additional Language (EAL) through Monitoring and Evaluation of Provision in Primary Schools. Education. 40 (3), p.281-13.

Murphy, V. (2015). A Systematic Review of Intervention Research Examining English Language and Literacy Development in Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL), Department of Education. Oxford: University of Oxford.

NALDIC (2015). Languages in Schools. Available: information/eal-statistics/lang/. Last accessed 15th Jan 2018.

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