letter to state representative

Considering everything that you have learned in this course, submit a letter that you have written to your state senator or representative to advocate for a professional issue that is relevant to your state of practice. First locate your U. S. senators, U.S. representative, and state legislator using the search links below. Using the information from the last module on the issues identified by your state professional organization advocacy team, write a letter to one of your members of the U.S. Congress and your state legislator.

In these letters identify:

  • the issue
  • why it is an issue
  • how it affects patient care and outcomes
  • how it restricts practice
  • a suggestion for removing such barriers


State: Massachusetts

Problem: January, 2021 – legislative change allowing Nurse Practitioners to practice independently

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letter to state representative

Considering everything that you have learned in this course, submit a letter that you have written to your state senator or representative to advocate for a professional issue that is relevant to your state of practice. First locate your U. S. senators, U.S. representative, and state legislator using the search links below. Using the information from the last module on the issues identified by your state professional organization advocacy team, write a letter to one of your members of the U.S. Congress and your state legislator.

In these letters identify:

  • the issue
  • why it is an issue
  • how it affects patient care and outcomes
  • how it restricts practice
  • a suggestion for removing such barriers


State: Massachusetts

Problem: January, 2021 – legislative change allowing Nurse Practitioners to practice independently

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