Journal/Portfolio week 7

I send the whole instruction but we are only doing the second part, week 7 at 3000 words. No more than 3000, he deducts for extra. 


Bioethics Online Summer Course Journal/Portfolio Assignment: Beginning in the first week, all students will regularly contribute to a journal that will be graded at mid-term and at the end of the term. It is meant to be less like a diary and more like a portfolio of notes. Think of it as your study guide for assessments. At those two times, it must be submitted as a doc, docx, or PDF file. The instructor cannot read or grade any other file types. The journal/portfolio will consist of notes that students take when (1) doing assigned readings, (2) watching audiovisual content, and (3) preparing their thoughts for discussion forums The portfolio will also consist of copies of your discussion forum posts. The latter is for the purpose of running all of that content through the plagiarism and AI-content checker built in to Canvas (Turnitin). Question: What should you write while watching videos and doing your course reading? Answer: Anything you find interesting, notable, surprising, concerning, controversial, confusing, and/or worthy of further discussion. Also anything you think you’d want to have written down in order to study effectively for tests. This could be helpful in “digesting” and internalizing the content you read and watch. More advice about what to write: When reading, consider summarizing each paragraph in one sentence. Long paragraphs may need more. Also consider answering some of the questions for consideration that you did not answer in your discussion forum posts. It is not necessary to cite your notes either with parenthentical references, footnotes, endnotes, a works cited, or a bibliography. Question: How long does the journal need to be and how will it be graded? Answer: The required minimum length for the mid-term version of the portfolio (week 4) is approximately 5 pages per week (min: 1000 words), 20 pages total (min: 4000 words). The required minimum length for the final portfolio (week 7) is approximately 5 pages per week (min: 1000 words), 15 pages total (min: 3000 words). In total, students will have a minimum of 35 pages typed (approx. 7000 words). Handwritten pages are acceptable, provided they are scanned and submitted electronically. They usually have a lower word count than typed pages, so handwritten pages will count for less than a typed page. For instance, the equivalent of 10 typed pages is 15 handwritten pages in my estimation. Though it only needs to be submitted for a grade twice, students are strongly advised to email a draft to the professor during the early weeks of the course for feedback on its quality. Students will not be graded on grammar or the quality of their writing style. Rather, students will be graded on (1) thoroughness and care, (2) Organization and structure, (3) coherence, (4) originality, and (5) accuracy. It will only be collected and graded twice, via Canvas submission. Regarding (1), see above about length. Regarding (2), be sure to use bullet points, indentations, headings, and sub- headings. It is okay to have some of your portfolio in long-hand and some in shorthand. Be sure also to label each entry clearly. Regarding originality (4), no more than 30% of a student’s journal may match content for which they are not the author. This includes notes copied from other students or the textbook, internet sources, etc. Students are advised to check their Turnitin originality report before submitting. A grade of “A” –93-100%– will only be awarded to those who include an entry on every assignment in a thoughtful, thorough, clearly organized way with a Turnitin score of 30% or lower. Such a portfolio would likely exceed the bare minimum length requirement of 5 pages per week and 35 pages total