Becoming an aesthetic nurse as a Registered Nurse

Aesthetic The first step on the road to becoming an aesthetic nurse is to become a registered nurse (RN). To become an RN, you’ll need to earn a degree—either an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)—and meet all other requirements for state licensure, including passing the NCLEX-RN®.

Additionally, aesthetic nurses may choose to advance their education and become a nurse practitioner. This requires completion of either a Master of Science in Nursing Nurse Practitioner program (MSN-NP) or a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program for nurse practitioners. Aspiring aesthetic NPs will typically pursue a broad NP specialty focus like adult-gerontology or family nurse practitioner (FNP) before branching out into aesthetic practice.

No matter the education path, you’ll want to look for opportunities to get your foot in the door with aesthetic professionals and start training on any aesthetic procedures you can. Look for shadowing opportunities and consider joining state and local aesthetic nursing organizations as soon as possible. Speed recommends nursing students and new nurses attend as many aesthetic training seminars as they can and do so often. This will help them meet professionals in the field and learn more about what the job might look like for them.

A big aspect of this role is your personality, bedside manner and ability to consult with patients well, so aspiring aesthetic nurses will benefit from putting this skill set on display whenever possible. Refining your communication skills can certainly help you make a strong impression on employers.

Experience in related roles can be a big help as well. Working as a nurse in plastic surgery clinics, ear nose and throat (ENT) clinics and other ambulatory settings can be an excellent starting point for aspiring aesthetic RNs.

Do I need an aesthetic nurse certification?

While there are many certifications available for individual treatments, there is one broad aesthetics-focused professional certification you may want to consider pursuing: the Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist credential from the Plastic Surgical Nursing Certification Board. While this isn’t necessarily a requirement, it can help demonstrate your expertise and dedication to the field.

Is aesthetic nursing for you?

Working in aesthetics is a unique way to use your nursing skills and help patients feel like themselves. Whether you’re a skincare buff or fascinated by fillers, there’s potentially a place for you in aesthetics nursing.


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